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Freedom Typers
It's the two guys of the Internet Sho!!!W!!!




US: We're almost at Y2K Mountain! I hear that the views are amazing, and soon we'll reach WikWikiPedia Mountain.

(Another unfamiliar voice): Hey, you!

US: Me?

(UV): Yeah you fucker.


(UV): Who am I? Well, I am the great Soviet Union, or you can just call me Russ.

Russia: I specialize in healing and some other types of crap. If you just accept me into your group, I'll work with you 24/7.

R: I can tell you've never been in this area before. These lands may seem mysterious and shit but it's pretty boring to be living here after a while.

[lua]Russia has joined your party! Hold Button R and release to unleash a unicycle bear army!
The longer you hold Button R, the bigger your army gets.[/lua]

R: I can promise you that no giant laser made out of no ideas will randomly kill me. I have LaserBlock SPF5000. Pretty solid stuff.


US: Are we there yet?

R: No

US: Are we there yet?

R: No

US: Are we there yet?

R: No

US: Are we there yet?

R: No

US: Are we there yet?

R: No

US: Are we there ye- HOLY SHIT POOR PEOPLE

Poor People: OoOoOo we're tax evaders and we want free healthcare and education oOoOo


R: Don't worry guys. We'll beat these poor people up Samurai Champloo style.

US: That's a plastic sword you have there

R: I know! I bought it from Walmart for only 60 rubles! I used to doubt capitalism, but wow, my life is much more satisfying!

US: Oh shit

R: And the McDonald's that opened in the 1990's cured our famine issues and-

(One horrendous beat up later)

US: Holy mock maggots our money is gone and our blood is infected by poor people germs

What will happen to our brave adventurers? Will they survive without money? Find out on the next episode of It's the two guys of the Internet Sho!!!W!!!


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Freedom Typers - by lol - 07-28-2011, 04:07 AM

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