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Freedom Typers
Myem's Video Gaming Central

Hello, I am Myem, a professional video game player and I'm here to give you the best walkthroughs without any hesitation. I also obsess over anime and spend at least all of my money on plushies. In fact, I have received a threat for eviction and I'm probably going to be on Hoarders for having too many plushies in my home. My RL social life has been dead ever since my first plushy. Yeah, I'm that hardcore.

Anyways, today's game would be....... Metroid! This game sounds like an enjoyable classic from all the online reviews I read.

OK, let's play!

This is easy... HOLY SHIT A MOTHERFUCKING BAT-THING ATTACKED ME... Ok, I killed it. Ew, what the hell are those spiny things? Whatever. Those door sounds are annoying. OK, I think I'm supposed to go into morph ball to get through this part.. Yay! HOLY FUCK SHIT ENEMIES EVERYWHERE- I'm in the next room now. Damn, this jumping thing is hard. Ugh, more jumping. FINALLY, a room without platforms.

Ok, a corridor. I wonder what's going to happen on the other side of the door. Ok, some other rooms that I'll have to jump in.... Stupid rapist bats.

Yay, a power up, I think. More jumping.. Holy shit there's magma below me. YES! I made it. Another corridor. Enemies. Corridor. Enemies. Yay another power up. A crap load of enemies. Some jumping.

Ok, I'm in this blue room with tons of annoying enemies and what the hell, Nintendo? There's creepy music. Probably I'm going to battle a boss right now. Oh, just a power up. Going back and down. HOLY MOTHERFUCKING SHIT I MOTHERFUCKING DIED IN MOTHERFUCKING MAGMA. Fuck this game, fuck my life.

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Freedom Typers - by lol - 07-28-2011, 04:07 AM

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