I speak on behalf of myself towards Jacob_'s new scripting
(02-22-2012, 06:48 PM)Qwertygiy Wrote: I'm not really against it; but it would take a while to get used to. It's a major switch.

And then there's the issue of backwards compatibility -- are all the games of the past year now unplayable?

They won't be unplayable since I'll leave a compatibility mode for the old games. You can still make games with the old scripting, it will just be hidden somewhere since it isn't inviting at all to new users.

There isn't anything limited about this, it's just a way that makes more sense. The scripting system we have now is pretty much only used by Roblox and professional development tools (and plenty of those use the new one, too.)

Locking this because it belongs in the other thread.

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