Is it possible to attach a box to the body?
I tried using welds to attach a box to the player body but it didn't work..
(P.S. I'm making a custom tools ..)

Here's the script

local picked = true
ptool = script.Parent

function plrCollide(hit)
if hit.Parent.Type == "Character" and picked then
picked = false
local tooltobody = create("Weld")
tooltobody.Parent = ptool
tooltobody.Part1 = ptool
tooltobody.Part2 = hit
tooltobody.Anchor = hit.Position
print("Tool picked up")

link(script.Parent.Collided, plrCollide)

Second Edit:
I got the weld working but the box doesn't stay on the player, basically the box doesn't stick to the body, instead its under the body..

Third Edit:
I guess the weld here doesn't work like it does in the '3D buildism', I found out that your body just sticks to wherever you hit the part instead of where the weld anchor is.

Messages In This Thread
Is it possible to attach a box to the body? - by umadtoobad - 02-27-2012, 06:04 PM

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