Guess which former Buildist found me on Roblox? "Good" old times...
I wish this guy would finally figure out I'm not worth stalking around the Net. I'll start just a few comments before-hand. The drama begins two days ago, continuing at roughly one comment per person per daylight hour until now. I should also point out that despite his claims, he never published anything during this period.

Man, it really takes you back, doesn't it? It's like the autumn of 2012 in slow-mo.


banlikon78: 666 visits :o

Qwertygiy: Major upgrade to the Hub! You can now access RRR leaderboards from the new iBlox phone that replaces the update-reading notebook.

Robotoid: I can't believe this place has almost no visitors. So much effort... You should really buy Builders Club so you can advertise this awesome game!

FJS: Could be improved. Script used here was in my Racing 2011 script . Car went upside down and I couldn't get back up, menu screen nice but useless. Over a 2/10. The 2 is for using my racing script.

Qwertygiy: You again, Francis? Still stalking me for banning you on Buildism all those years ago? You couldn't script a tenth of the things in this game.

wrightracer3n: Bahaha, Q. He couldn't write scripts even if scripts wrote themselves. FJS, get lost. Mah buddy Qwertygiy wrote all the scripts unlike you FreemodelJS. I've seen the scripts and watched him work.

FJS: WrightRacer, you're just a cop-out of Qwertygiy. In 2012, I gave Qwerty the script in 2012 after I had no use for Racing 2011. This game was built of my initial script. Me 1-0 Qwerty

Qwertygiy: Everyone who has played this game knows that in March 2013, this game was simply a baseplate where you could choose 4 cars from a GUI. Everything else was scripted by me after that.

QwertygiyII: If you really made this "Racing 2011" game, make an alt named "FJSRacing2011" and upload the game to it. Show us you've actually made a racing script. No proof, no belief. Sound familiar?

FJS: It's 2014 now. I have no use for Racing 2011, I had to work on other projects like Chances V1.5 update. Anyway, Racing 2011 is probably gone from my HDD, but I did give the script to Qwerker.

Qwertygiy: Yep, you have no proof of these crazy allegations you're making, so you're just, as you always have been, Francis, a jealous little boy who can't tell truth from wishful thinking.

QwertygiyII: To everyone who did not know the horror of Franco30557, FJS has stalked me everywhere for 2 years because he broke the rules on another website many, many times and I was the moderator who banned him.

FJS: Guys, I have managed to obtain my Racing 2011 script. After 2 hours of searching for drives, I have finally found the game I used for Qwerty, after all these months and pain. I've got the script.

Qwertygiy: Then publish it as I told you to. Show us the proof.

Qwertygiy: I really am curious what excuse you'll think up for not being able to publish this supposed earlier version of the racing script that I wrote from scratch this March.

FJS: No excuse, I'm just finding the script. I have to put in the cars just so it will function. I also needed to tweek the script because of the new update. Racing 2011 will be up in an hour.

Qwertygiy: Sure you will. You'll probably have, if anything, a free model hint-including scrap heap that doesn't have position tracking, backwards driving alerts, or even positional spawning.

FJS: The core script for this game is now up. The COT I'll be using wi be made by a friend. The script here is an edited version of my script. I'm also attempting to update the script so the cars can drift

Qwertygiy: It is not up anywhere that I can find, liar. You know what? I'm done playing your little charade. If you really made the script here, you'd know that the racing script doesn't control the cars at all.

QwertygiyII: If you actually knew the coding involved, you'd know that drifting, although technically impossible, would be in the car script, not the race script.

QwertygiyIII: And also you would know that the core script of the game is actually the load script, which has nothing to do with the racing. I hope you enjoy showing how desperate for attention you are, Francis.

FJS: I just want people to like, why does no-one respect me. But I'll have the script up in about 2 hours. My computer lagged out and the script went AWOL. But why does no like me?

Qwertygiy: Scripts don't go AWOL. Roblox auto-saves every 5 minutes. The reason nobody likes you is that nobody likes liars who try to claim someone else's work is their own.

FJS: What if I told you that I didn't make the script and that I accidentally deleted it, will that get people to like me. Also, guys, the drift script is finally up as a model. Core script still in test.

Qwertygiy: The only way you can get these two people to like you is for you to leave us alone. Permanently. I'm sure there's some person out there who won't feel like hitting a "Ban" button when they see you.

FJS: So I'm gonna give you the script and once you get the script, wecam
Be friends!!! And tell that rip-off version of you to go and do a project with someone else.

Qwertygiy: Wrightracer3n is not a rip-off version of me, he is one of my closest ROBLOX friends. You see, he did not introduce himself accusing me of stealing anything from him. He did not stalk me for 2 years.

FJS: I thought I was your closest friend on Roblox. Let's just hope that wrightracer3n's parents don't get involved and you will have to move away again, oh snaaaaaaaap!!!

Qwertygiy: Ha ha ha, funny, since you're actually my worst enemy anywhere. That second part makes no sense whatsoever, but then that's on par with everything else you say, so I'll ignore it like I'll ignore you.

FJS: Qwerty, you like me a lot. You just hide it, just like how you hide the fact that I basically made this game for you. Wrightracer3n wasn't even around when me and you had to control the other site.

Qwertygiy: I have never liked you. You were the one I had to control Buildism from. I didn't meet Wright until after I already considered you as awful, and me and him got along just fine from the start.

FJS: Please like me. I just wanna know why so many people hate me. I just wanna be your friend....I thought we were friends. :'(

Qwertygiy: Yeah, because friends CLEARLY appear out of nowhere after 6 months to falsely claim someone else's hard work as their own. In case you couldn't tell, that was sarcasm, Francis.

FJS: I jugs wanted to show you that I changed, I just want to be likes again...

Qwertygiy: You didn't change. You came back and tried to say I stole something that I spent months working on, from you. And then you tried to show proof, and failed miserably, and then became a suck-up.

Franzx: You can ditch that rip-off version of you and me and you can work on the game. Like old times Big Grin

Qwertygiy: Nice try, FJS. AKA Franco30557. AKA Francis. How I wish I could ditch that rip-off version of a worst enemy that you have become!

Franzx: I haven't become your worst enemy, you still like me. You liked me at the start of 2012, what did I do wrong?

Qwertygiy: I do not like you, I thought you were annoying then, and you must not understand the simple concept that you don't know a thing about my mind better than I do.

So far that is all, but I'm sure he'll come up with something equally laughable once the one-hour comment limit timer is over.
[Image: iwn8gk.gif]

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Guess which former Buildist found me on Roblox? "Good" old times... - by Ghosty - 04-12-2014, 12:35 PM

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