[Wiki]unable to save pages
i've tried to make an update to the Water article.
saving the page, "Sorry! We could not process your edit due to a loss of session data. Please try again. If it still does not work, try logging out and logging back in. "
logging out and in again didn't help either.
'''Water''' is a new object to Buildism. It was first added on February 25th, 2011. It simulates the effect of water on parts, but it does not flow on its own. Water has several properties that you can adjust in the properties table.

{{Property|Locked|Whether the part can be selected or moved. If you give players building tools, lock the parts you don't want them to mess with.|Boolean}}

{{Property|Color|The part's color.|Color}}

{{Property|(Hidden)Layer|What layer the part is on (0-2). Default is 1. 0 is behind the character; 2 is in front.|Integer}}

{{Property|(Hidden)Fixed|Anchors the part to the background. Default is True.|Boolean}}

{{Property|Transparency|How transparent the part is. Doesn't work completely on Water right now. (0-1)|Decimal}}

{{Property|ShowBorder|Whether the part should have a border or not.|Boolean}}

{{Property|(Hidden)Collidable|Determines whether the part can collide with other parts. Default=False|Boolean}}

{{Property|(Hidden)CharacterCollide|If this is set to false, characters will not collide with the part but other parts will. Default is False.|Boolean}}

{{Property|(Hidden)Platform|If this is enabled, characters will not collide with the part if they are moving upwards. This allows you to make retro-style 2D platform games in combination with [[ladder]]s.|Boolean}}

{{Property|Position|The part's current position in the world.|Vec2D}}

{{Property|(Hidden)Rotation|The part's rotation in degrees.|Decimal}}

{{Property|(Hidden)Velocity|The part's linear velocity.|Vec2D}}

{{Property|Size|The box's dimensions.|Vec2D}}

{{Property|WaterDensity|Water's Density. Lighter objects will float, denser ones will sink.|Number}}

{{Property|Current|How fast objects in the water are pushed around.|Vec2D}}

{{Property|Drag|How viscous the water is. Default is 1|Vec2D}}

{{Property|(Hidden)Bounciness|How much a part's velocity is multiplied when it collides with the part. 1 means it will bounce indefinitely.|Decimal}}

{{Property|(Hidden)Friction|How resistant the part is to other parts moving over it. When two parts collide, the coefficient of friction between them is calculated as sqrt(part1.friction * part2.friction).|Number}}

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[Wiki]unable to save pages - by RA2lover - 03-31-2012, 09:25 PM

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