[Open Pre-Alpha][Top-Down] Carcade (June 15th: Zoom tool)
So I'm currently working on a top-down game, as most of you know, based around driving around a world, collecting stuff, and (eventually) earning points and better cars and stuff like that. I've decided to do this thread the "proper" way, like we do mod threads on the Minecraft Forums, so here we go!

[Image: 2mm6y5x.png]

Carcade is a top-down driving game. The goal of the game is to collect enough point-giving objects to beat the rest of the players. Because of this, it is firmly meant to be a multiplayer game, not a singleplayer game, though eventually I may add AIs, providing I can get the coding figured out.

Currently there is a randomly generated field that will self-regenerate in 100 seconds, along with a leaderboard and a points system.

Current Features

Visual damage!
[Image: 2ryfybr.png] [Image: 20ievb5.png]

If you run into obstacles (currently only rocks), then your health bar will fall. Eventually your car will start to show the wear. Better graphics and damage physics will be coming, as well as repair kits and mechanics.

[Image: 29cp7oi.png]

Currently, the orange circles are power-ups -- they let you move almost twice as fast for 10 seconds. Again, better graphics and physics will be implemented.

There are also larger, red circles -- these are "power-downs". They will slow you down to an exasperating crawl, so avoid them!

[Image: 124km7p.png]
These tiny, slowly rotating purple-blue orbs can be found throughout the map and are your main objective to collect. Why? Well, I haven't gotten to that yet Wink

What good are points if you can't tell how many you have and how much better you are than everyone else, and how much quicklier it took you to get them all?

Future Features
  • Regional Damage: Running into a rock with the left front of your car will damage your left front. Getting run into in the right rear will damage your right rear. There is a bug with welds in top-down mode that I'm waiting for to be fixed before I can make this.
  • Multiple Map Styles: City, Field, Swamp, and Parking Lot are just some of my ideas here.
  • Car Choices: It would be quite boring if you were stuck in the same old dull green boxy jeep thing all the time. Maybe you want a nice Miata convertible, or a Camaro race car, or even just a bright orange boxy jeep thing.
  • Better Driving Physics: Acceleration and deceleration, not just "going" and "not going". This also means we can have things like ice and mud be significant parts of the game.
  • Car Upgrades: Turbo boosts! Mud tires! Headlights! Bigger engines! Combustible lemons! Wait, what?
  • PVP version: There will be a "peaceful" version of the game, but half of the fun of Mario Kart is throwing those shells at Donkey Kong and dropping bananas to make Waluigi spin in circles.

June 15th, 2012 [Pre-alpha Update 5]: This update is incredibly minor, especially after such a long absence of work, but I've had a lot of weird stuff going on. A zoom tool has been added to the game. Using it will cause the camera to back away from the car for 2 seconds, allowing you to see more of the area around you. There is a downside, though; it costs 1 point each time you use it. The upside of it is that you have no other use for points.

May 7th, 2012 [Pre-alpha Update 4]: Updated the leaderboard so that it wouldn't crash in Multiplayer. There were two major issues and one typo in the fix for the second. It may still need work, but it should work fine. Respawning in Multiplayer, however, is currently broken -- I'm waiting for Jacob_ to fix that like he did with Singleplayer a few weeks back. Now you have even more motivation not to hit rocks! ^_^

May 4th, 2012 [Pre-alpha Update 3]: Created a points system. Tiny purple orbs spawn throughout the map, and collecting one like you would a power-up gives you 1 point. Power-up and power-down amounts have been decreased.

May 3rd, 2012 [Pre-alpha Update 2]: Created a Leaderboard. Format is "Name / Points / Time / Rounds". There is no actual points system yet.

May 1st, 2012 [Pre-alpha Update 1]: Started this thread. At this point, the features to note are:
  • Randomly generated maps that regenerate every 200 seconds
  • Rock formations, also randomly generated, that damage your car
  • Powerups and powerdowns that affect car speed
  • Visual damage graphics and also smoke on break-down
  • "Billboard sign" logo
[Image: iwn8gk.gif]

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[Open Pre-Alpha][Top-Down] Carcade (June 15th: Zoom tool) - by Ghosty - 05-01-2012, 05:46 PM

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