Count to 1,000,000 (The Latinxassassin Edition)
(05-02-2012, 07:50 PM)Qwertygiy Wrote:
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Wrote:"The only thing we can do now," said Benjy, crouching and stroking his whiskers in thought, "is to try and fake a question, invent one that will sound plausible."
"Difficult," said Frankie. He thought. "How about What's yellow and dangerous?"
Benjy considered this for a moment.
"No, no good," he said. "Doesn't fit the answer."
They sank into silence for a few seconds.
"All right," said Benjy. "What do you get if you multiply six by seven?"
"No, no, too literal, too factual," said Frankie, "wouldn't sustain the public's interest."
Again they thought.
Then Frankie said, "Here's a thought. How many roads must a man walk down?"
"Ah!" said Benjy. "Aha, now that does sound promising!" He rolled the phrase around a little. "Yes, that's excellent! Sounds very significant without actually tying you down to meaning anything at all. How many roads must a man walk down? Forty-two. Excellent, excellent, that'll fox 'em. Frankie, baby, we are made!"
They performed a scampering dance in their excitement.

Oh by the way, Frankie and Benjy are mice. Pandimensional hyperintelligent beings.

I still think "How many stages are there in life are there?"
sounds better

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