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The Blog of Dignity
To everyone who says there aren't enough players, you have the power to change it. Communities don't usually grow quickly on their own, but that can be changed - and you guys have more power to do it than I do, because you are the community, I'm not. Here are some ways you could help.
  • Posting on other forums you visit. If it's a small community and you know the other members well you would probably get a good reaction, and if not you could add a link to your signature.
  • Telling people about Buildism on other games. Don't you have some Steam friends that would be interested in a game creation community?
  • You could talk to people in real life about it too. All of my friends at college that I showed it to liked it, and you might have better luck since engineering students don't have a lot of free time.
  • Spam on ROBLOX. OK, I'm mostly joking, but I think everyone that was here in April 2011 would agree that it's an effective way to get a whole lot of new members, and I heard that now it's not against the rules to talk about other games.

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The Blog of Dignity - by Dignity - 04-24-2012, 09:07 PM

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