A site I was working on for Buildism
Quote: Wheatley: You two are going to love this big surprise. In fact, you might say that you're both going to love it...to death. Love it until it kill—until you're dead. [chuckles] All right? I don't know whether you're picking up on what I'm saying here, but...
GLaDOS: [interrupting] Yes, thanks. We get it. [Chell and GLaDOS enter a elevator] All right, he's not even trying to be subtle any more. Or maybe he still is, in which case: wow, that's kind of sad. [...] Either way, I'm getting the feeling he's trying to kill us.

Wheatley: I'll bet you're both dying to know what your big surprise is. Only two more chambers!
GLaDOS: We're running out of time. I think I can break us out of here in the next chamber. Just play along.

[Chell runs into an Aerial Faith Plate—and is unexpectedly launched sideways onto another Plate and finally into a Excursion Funnel]

Wheatley: Surprise! We're doing it now!
GLaDOS: Okay, credit where it's due: for a little idiot built specifically to come up with stupid, unworkable plans, that was a pretty well laid trap.
Wheatley: You've probably figured it out by now, but I don't need you anymore. I found two little robots back here! Built specifically for testing!
GLaDOS: [now a little panicked] Oh, no. He found the co-operative testing initiative. It's...something I came up with to phase out human testing just before you escaped. It wasn't anything personal. Just...you know, you did kill me. Fair's fair.

[A plate launches Chell onto a platform surrounded by spike plates]

GLaDOS: Ah! Well, this is the part where he kills us.
Wheatley: Hello! This is the part where I kill you!

[The chapter title fades in: "Chapter 9: The Part Where He Kills You". An achievement with the title "The Part Where He Kills You" is unlocked at the same time, with the description "This is that part".]

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A site I was working on for Buildism - by Ashely - 09-03-2011, 05:43 AM

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