The Brag About Your Post Count Thread
581 posts...

(05-20-2012, 03:21 PM)Qwertygiy Wrote: It's been a long hard road to get here, but somehow I've reached 5000 posts. Thanks for being here with me, you guys. I mean it in more ways than you know when I say I probably wouldn't be here without all of you guys -- InternetGuy, Paradox, Interwebs, Login, Sazaho, Franco, Kieron, Ice, Roperson/Dignity, realnashboy, especially Jacob_, and everyone else -- and when it's not in a flame war, spam attack, inter-community raid, or dealing with a temporarily irrational 11-or-12-year old (we've had our share of those and then some) the community here is one of the best on the internet.

I look forward to more time with all you Buildists.

I feel sad... Qwertygiy didn't even add my username to the list. Are you lazy or do you regard me in a bad way?

(05-20-2012, 03:25 PM)Franco30557 Wrote: That speech touched my Buildist heart...Thanks Qwerker for being here!

It touched my Buildist heart too... Qwertygiy is such a good writer. Rolleyes

(05-21-2012, 12:00 AM)Dignity Wrote: Now THAT is a post with quality.

P.S. 1,297 posts

Agreed, probably the only post with quality.

(05-22-2012, 03:35 AM)Luckyone Wrote: MI liek my posts

MI liek your posts. Keep on posting!
[Image: card.png]

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