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I've been bored, so I started writing this.
It's loosely based off of a Spontaneously Initiated Role-Play me and a friend had about 3 months ago. The point at which the SIRP started is about where the story I've written ends. Thing is, I've just totally gotten bored with it now, too, just like almost everything else.

I would ask her for her opinions of it, but as those of you with good memories and working neurological logic centers probably know, I am no longer in contact with her. You guys are my next best friends at this point; how do you like it? Should I take out parts, elaborate more on certain bits, what? I will let you know that I do have most of the plot figured out... as you might be able to guess, there's a bit of an action scene that's waiting to happen right at the end of this bit (which is part of the reason I haven't written it yet. It's not easy to write action scenes that on second view don't look like crud.) but the ghost hunters are NOT the worst villain in Mysty and Ghosty's world... they have no idea what they're up against yet. And I'm pretty certain that neither do you, as I haven't even mentioned the beginning of the basics of all that.

Story is in second post so as not to clog up this post too badly. Hint: if you want to be able to read it a bit better, try pushing the "Quote" button -- you'll be able to see the indentations that the forum normally cuts out.

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I've been bored, so I started writing this. - by Qwertygiy - 06-05-2012, 04:05 PM

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