BG, I have a plan for an ironic/satirical poster
OMG. Last Friday in my English class MY TEACHER GAVE A LESSON ON WHAT SATIRE AND PARODY WAS! My English class is for complete retards. The students in my class are dumb along with the lessons. When the class was taking turns reading aloud, my teacher stopped us when we came to the word 'putrid', and asked "What does putrid mean? Does anybody know?" Half the people in my class can't read words like 'Christianity' correctly, and I had an assignment where I had to join two sentences together with 'and'. THIS IS TENTH GRADE ENGLISH! Next year I'm taking advanced English, because I can't stand anymore of this. I don't care if I get more work, but I want to learn something at least.
[SPOILER][Image: NDIBirc.gif][/SPOILER]

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