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Ask the Staff Thread
If you'll remember, I spent about 10 hours arguing back and forth with Dignity and Glome and absolutely nothing happened except we all got angrier at each other and Dignity and Glome got temporarily permabanned for minor rule infractions (that's what happens when you push me over the edge, haha.). The next day, me and Jacob_ and Ashely and Interwebs and Paradox got together in the mod forums and over about 2 hours we managed to clear it up among ourselves and get back to you guys. The argument was pretty much over by the end of that day. Glome publicly apologized for his part in it and Kieron hasn't said anything about it since that I'm aware of.

It's not a democracy. We don't always try to do things that you guys want, we try to do what is best for the entire site in the long run, most of which is made up of you guys. But since you guys tend to shout first, think later when confronted with an argument (and yes, I know I'll sometimes get pushed there myself) and have no direct influence in the subject, there's no point in you guys holding filibusters and trying to start a revolution. The best way to get your opinions heard and considered is to send something politely on a non-public channel with the mods, like sending a joint PM. If that doesn't work, there isn't much you can do at that point.

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Ask the Staff Thread - by Jacob__mybb_import1 - 07-18-2011, 12:06 AM

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