If you want activity Jacob_;
Update your game. more users will come if this is actively updated. Nobody cares about the zombie game. I'd prefer a sandbox over any zombie game ever.
Please, if you want people to make games MAKE THE GAME MAKER BETTER.
Add polygons, add triangles, make this game GIF compatible. Fix bugs, doo all that you need too do. I'm honestly sick and tired of you and the mods saying: WELL DUH FLAME WARS ARE THE REASON!!11" No they are not. You remember how much activity we got when he introduced terrain and other things such as ropes? I do, that's why we had activity. We had users on YouTube doing videos for a REGULARLY UPDATED game. Seriously.

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If you want activity Jacob_; - by Slendurrman - 07-09-2012, 05:44 AM

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