Dubstep thread (aka "The Wub Club")
(07-07-2012, 05:56 PM)Who Wrote: Ok, I guess I'll have to get into detail.

Skill is something you can learn. But talent is something of your own, maybe a special ability to do something, or a certain point of view about any aspect of reality.

Looking it in the creative department:

Salvador Dali's paintings were because of his talent, not his skill

Led Zeppelin's "Stairway to heaven" was made possible by Page's talent.

My point is that for creating something like those examples you NEED talent

Now a dubstep song, it may have been done with talent. But for me it only takes computer skill to rip part of that song, by changing it and adding some tweaks I can make it my own. I can just steal someone's hard work with a keyboard and a mouse.

POW there you have a dubstep song, and the only thing someone needed was skill
These are the steps to making a dubstep song:
1. Pay hundreds of dollars for FL Studio
2. Program the sounds you need for the song, and every beat
3. Start creating the tempo
4. Start creating the synth
5. Start adding background sounds
6. To the bass drop, you have to bring up Sim Synth
7. Make the LFO perfect for the wobble to sound like a bass wobble
8. Get the bass sound effect and merge it into that so the bass wobbles
9. Do the second wobble after the tempo again
10. Check the song for any mistakes, add a lot of things

And that's just the fucking VIP version. You don't have to like it, but don't be IGNORANT about it.

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