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An explanation of why I will probably be less active
Now, as some of you know, I've talked a bit about quitting or leaving in the chat on the old site. Half of the reason for this is the reason the site got reset -- large amounts of drama and a distinct lack of progress. With that alleviated, at least partially, there is less incentive for me to totally quit. Or maybe more incentive for me to stay, I'm not sure how I would put it.

However, don't expect me to be the super-active Buildist I'd been for the past year, either.

As most of you probably know, about 3 and a half months ago, for reasons not of my own fault, me and my best friend, my only friend from my old life that I still had contact with of any sort, were forced to stop talking with each other. This sent me into a bit of depression, and it's been tough working through it.

After about a month of constantly working at it, we've been reallowed to talk again, which has made my life incredibly happier. So a good deal of my afternoons will be spent talking with her, instead of with you guys.

There's also my novel, which I now have increased motivation to work on. I'll be putting it up in a new static place shortly for those of you still interested in it.

Roblox, Buildism, and Minecraft have all lost a bit of their "satisfaction" for me. I'll work on one for a full day and then not be able to do it again for a few weeks. It's just not what keeps me running any more. I'll still check in regularly with you guys, but unless activity drops back below the rate it was when we reset, I doubt I'll be the top poster again, and I doubt that I'll manage to make any workable game, either.

Buildism isn't the only thing that reset yesterday. My whole life, in a sense, reset. And I'm going to make the most of it.

It's not a goodbye, not an "I'm quitting", just a "TTFN". So Ta Ta For Now. I'll see you guys later.

On an interesting slightly related note: It's been about exactly 4 months since me and my friend stopped chatting. In that time, I've had 4 truly Super Duper Insanely Mega Happy Fun Days -- days when I was not only not depressed, but actually rather stupidly cheerful.

Guess what my new user ID is.

Yup, finding connections and coincidences appears to be one of my new talent/curses.

Messages In This Thread
An explanation of why I will probably be less active - by Qwertygiy - 08-01-2012, 12:18 PM

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