In this thread, debate whether "older" games, "recent" games, or "newer" games are better, or whether it doesn't really matter.
For the sake of this thread, "older" refers to pre-2000, "recent" to 2000-2010, and "newer" to everything made during or after 2010.
For example, nearly all PS2 games fall into "recent", while nearly all PS1 games fall into "older". Portal and Super Mario Galaxy are "recent", while their sequels are "newer".
For the sake of this thread, "older" refers to pre-2000, "recent" to 2000-2010, and "newer" to everything made during or after 2010.
For example, nearly all PS2 games fall into "recent", while nearly all PS1 games fall into "older". Portal and Super Mario Galaxy are "recent", while their sequels are "newer".