My review of "Social Meeps"
Some of you guys have talked about another website that you've been hanging around for a bit now, the Alexnewtron-owned "Social Meeps". I decided to check it out and say what I think of it in a half-serious manner.

From what I understand, your avatar is a round circle. For some reason this is called a "Meep". Perhaps it's what they say when you squeeze them or step on them. As the name of the website implies, Meeps are not hermits -- they prefer hanging out with other Meeps. For this purpose, they have a rather plain 2-part 2D world they can roll back and forth in that looks a bit like Early Poptropica Island.

The only purpose of this website appears to be earning enough coins to buy stuff to stick on your Meep. (That just sounds wrong, doesn't it -- stuff to stick on your Meep?) While you are waiting to earn enough coins, you can roll back and forth and chat with the other 6 or 7 Meeps who happen to be hanging out in MeepCity, or you can go to the forums.

Oh dear, the forums.

Until I saw the SM forums, I thought that the Roblox forums were bland. Roblox has no signature feature, no BB-code, no HTML, no polls, no smileys, just blue boxes of text. Buildism's forums compared to Roblox's are like comparing a Ferrari to one of those Volkswagen New Beetles.

That would make SocialMeeps one of the original Bugs. Albeit a highly-polished one.

They have the option to post a 3-option poll (if anyone can find a way to make that more useful than "yes, no, don't care" then please let me know) and you can make a one-line signature. There is literally nothing else -- no BB code, no HTML, no smileys, no images, no clickable links, no timestamp, no "page 2" of threads, no "page 2" of posts IN a thread, and the background is a gradiented gray.

Oh, and I forgot to mention that Ashely got hired there a day or two ago. Probably explains her sudden loss of sanity last night -- she must have figured there was no reason to hang around dull old Buildism when there's shiny new Meeps to go boss around.

All in all, it doesn't appear horrible, but it doesn't look to me like it could really get very popular when it gets out of Beta, whenever that's supposed to be. It reminds me of theGamerLand, only without the obnoxious owner (haven't actually talked to Alex yet, so I'm just assuming he's a normal sane person; I could be wrong).

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My review of "Social Meeps" - by Qwertygiy - 08-16-2012, 01:19 PM

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