Dragon Quest V
Okay, I haven't updated this in a while, but I have played it:

After freeing my wife, my next task was to travel to the Underworld and find my mum. The entrance to the Underworld(Nadridia) was sealed by spell, in a shrine with 3 statues. The only way to break the seal was by using the Ring that saved my wife, her wedding ring, and my wedding ring - the Circle's of Life, Water and Fire respectively. Me, Bianca, Biron, Hannah, and my monster companions to this strange and dark world - it was Nadridia. It was a very small world, with some very strong and annoying monsters inhabiting it. By assumption, I decided to head north into a mountain right at the top of the mountain - the path however was very winding and started to find the trip impossible, but, to my luck, along the way I found a town named Precaria, which was made by Mum to protect people like me and my family. It was fit with an inn, weapon shop, armour shop, item shop and bank, like most cities. Knowing I would have tough battles ahead, I stored 53000 Gold in my bank, stayed at the inn and departed to Mt. Zugzwang. I finally scaled it, only to finally see my Mum... Guarded by tough monsters. I destroyed the monsters with ease. My Mum then tried using all her power to kill the dark overlord, only to be hit with the strongest fire spell in the game, the one that killed my father - Kafrizzle(which my wife also knows) by a being known as Bishop Ladja, the one responsible for my father's death, me and my wife's turning to stone and firing the Kafrizzle at my mother. I have had 1 battle with him, which didn't finish him. We fought a 10 minute long battle and I turned out the victor! My mum regained consciousness and retried the prayer, where she was then severely wounded by the Dark Overlord Nimzo and then interrupted by my father Pankraz. They gave a speech about how strong I had gotten and took her to the afterlife, leaving me, Bianca, Biron, Hannah, and my monsters to prepare for the fight against this Dark Overlord.

I have not yet fought him, but I plan on doing it tomorrow.

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Dragon Quest V - by VVhen - 08-11-2012, 07:12 PM

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