My review of "Social Meeps"
As much of the crap I put up with Invader, what I said was nothing that serious. These guys do it all the time and you all "Lol" but when I did something "Oh I hate Ashely" "Shes not doing her job right"

I found about about the site from one of the users here, and I've talked to Jacob and he has told me he's given up on Buildism. I don't have so much free time left so I thought it would be cool to join another community.

Oh as for the review, some valid points, some not; but good review.

Oh as for the main store idea you guys hated on, they have 150 users online for a limited item, I'm not saying some arent alts but it literally shut the site down today. Imagine that for Buildism? Plus the game, users would love this site.


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My review of "Social Meeps" - by Qwertygiy - 08-16-2012, 01:19 PM

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