So apparently this crashes Box2D after a few seconds in MP.
Otherwise, it appears to function normally. It makes lots of random circles around the specified player's name that vanish in 1/10th of a second after being created.

local n = "Qwertygiy"
for q = 1, 100 do
for w = 1, 3 do
local ball = create("Circle")
ball.Parent = game.World
ball.Name = "Sparkle"
ball.Collidable = false
ball.Radius = math.random(1, 3)
ball.Color = Color(math.random(0, 255), math.random(0, 255), math.random(0, 255))
ball.Position = game.World:getChild(n).Body.Position + Vec2D(0, 3) + Vec2D(math.random(-2.01, 2.01), math.random(-2.01, 2.01))
local s = create("Script")
s.Source = [[sleep(0.1) script.Parent:remove()]]
s.Parent = ball

Messages In This Thread
So apparently this crashes Box2D after a few seconds in MP. - by Qwertygiy - 09-02-2012, 09:40 PM

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