You guys sure seem to be doing great...
Just stopping by to check in, and I hear you guys are having another huge argument.

Jacob save your time, shut down this site or just remove the forums. You kids are causing drama for nothing because the outcome is the staff will win. Me on the other hand, I let a user get under my skin and just raged. I admit what I said was mean but oh well.

Prepare for another one, here's why I came back...

Glome Hey ashely can I ask you a favor?
me Sure.
Glome Buildism is dying and I was wondering if you could give me your password for the archived site so I can read through the mod forums and cause massive flame wars
Glome or can you go to and change the pass to like 12345?
me wait what? Lmao
Glome Okay so buildism is in another masssive argument
Glome It caused qwertygiy to apparently quit as a mod
Glome Can you go there and change your account password to 12345 so I can read through the mod forums?

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You guys sure seem to be doing great... - by PowerPuff - 09-15-2012, 06:45 PM

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