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Oppresion Typers
I'm being a rebel and breaking the rules because it won't let me delete my extremely high quality blog that makes me throw up in my mouth.

This time I'm not going to do cheesy sections and weird pictures every day because that was a terrible format for me and it was ripping off Rep anyway. I'll talk about stuff that I want to talk about but I doubt that I will be consistent with posting here, because otherwise it comes to a point where I'm just crapping out words to keep on schedule. To sum it up more simply, this blog will be the polar opposite of my old blog. Also a note, because I'm from a completely inferior nation, I write dates backwards, although the second of February doesn't exactly demonstrate that.

Blog Post 2/2/14
Coming back to this place has been an interesting experience, although all this RevLeft stuff is still really alien to me, I'm not a politics person by any stretch of the imagination. Also I'm English so even if I did talk about politics I doubt any of you care that the English minister of education is taking away coursework because it doesn't affect you in the slightest. Being British on the internet can often lead to situations like that because even though we are decently represented online, we aren't in the position of Japan or the USA because there aren't as many of us, and we aren't in a position like a lot of smaller countries (Serbia, Burma etc.) because England is similar enough to larger countries to not really be interesting. Correct me if I'm wrong on that but that's really the impression I've gotten in my 4 years I've spent using the internet a lot.

I do have things to talk about though. I play a lot of videogames, which is really uncommon of people on the internet. In the past few months I've grown a raging addiction to the Binding of Isaac, which is definitely one of the best investments you can make if you're looking for PC games to play. It's currently my 3rd most played Steam game with 98 hours played, but at the rate I've been playing it, it will overtake my time on Terraria by the end of the month. That said, as I'm getting a new computer tomorrow I might binge on TF2, seeing as I've already spent hundreds of hours on it even though my craptop really doesn't want to run it. On most maps I'm lucky to get 15 fps, so it's amazing to me that I've stuck with TF2 for as long as I have, but hey. When I get the new computer, I also want to play some Rogue Legacy and Starbound. I bought both of those in the winter sale, but this brilliant laptop can't run retro-style 2D games. On console, I'm playing Sonic Adventure 2 on my Dreamcast that I got for Christmas (probably a really weird thing to ask for in 2013) but the Knuckles/Rouge levels are such a pain that I'm playing it in a very on/off fashion. I also played through Pokemon X recently and if you liked any other Pokemon games I would say it is worth buying a 3ds to play it.

Stuff is happening in real life, whatever that is. As far as friends go, I'm the most secure I have been for a while, because I'm friends with people that are interested in the same things as I am, but not in the way that it's all they will talk about, which is extremely annoying, at least for me. Some of my friends are going through some rough patches but it's all really complicated and I can't be bothered to explain, at least not now.

That's all I have to say for now. Look forward to a new update when I think I have an apt amount to talk about.
[Image: paperboy.PNG]
True beauty.

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Oppresion Typers - by Hippo - 02-02-2014, 03:05 PM

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