Count to 1,000,000 (The Latinxassassin Edition)
Count to 1,000,000

Simply post the next number after the number of the last replier. ^_^

Ranks & Badges
1.) Count to 100 (Rank/Badge: Alpha Counter)

Badge Desciption: People who have counted around 1 - 100.

Badge Users: Ashely, BuildistGuard, enumeration, Franco30557, Hippo, Paradox, and Qwertygiy

2.) The 100 Counter (Rank/Badge: The 100 Counter)

Badge Description: The person who counted the number 100 in his post.

Badge User: Franco30557

3.) The 666 Counter (Rank/Badge: The Devil Counter)

Badge Description: The person who counted the number 666 in his post.

Badge User: Unknown

4.) Count to 1,000 (Rank/Badge: Alpha Counter/Alternative Badge: Beta Counter)

Badge Description: People who have counted around 101 - 1,000

Badge Users: Dignity, Excel, Franco30557, Kieron, and Qwertygiy

5.) The 1,337 Counter (Rank/Badge: The Leet Counter)

Badge Description: A person who counter the number 1,337 in his post.


Most Rank/Badges
ID..........Username.........Amount of Badges


1.) Only post one number per post, and wait for someone to post so that you can post the next number.

I guess I will start, the reason I doing this is because I want the counting game to have badges (:3).

[Image: card.png]

Messages In This Thread
Count to 1,000,000 (The Latinxassassin Edition) - by Latinxassassin - 02-18-2012, 03:49 AM

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