Does Buildism use the same Lua as ROBLOX?
I'm no longer lagging, it must have something to do with my Java because Buildism loaded suprisingly slow (Took about 30-40 seconds to load) and now it took me about 5 seconds, anyway,

Does blockism use Vector3s, BrickColor, etc, etc?
Vec2D(x, y)
Color(1-255, 1-255, 1-255)
(06-24-2011, 09:33 PM)BlockCommunity Wrote: I'm no longer lagging, it must have something to do with my Java because Buildism loaded suprisingly slow (Took about 30-40 seconds to load) and now it took me about 5 seconds, anyway,

Does blockism use Vector3s, BrickColor, etc, etc?

Its buildism.
trololo sorry, I said buildism first, I keep getting it confused with Blockism from a different site.
Vec2Ds can't be added or subtracted or etc. normally. They have special features. For example,

part.Position = part.Position:add(Vec2D(0, 5))

would move the variable 'part' up 5 units.
game.Camera.Box.Size =,2)?
Yes, only you want to put parts in World.
Sorry, didn't read your last post Qwerty,

but could I still use that to just position it there or make its size that big?
Well, this is a good place, but I just can't get the hang of Buildism.lua

Trolololo do you guys have a Buildism wiki about this?
Yes. There's a Converting ROBLOX Lua to Buildism Lua page, as well as lots of documentation.

And yes, you could still use ***.Size = Vec2D(x, y) or ***.Position = Vec2D(x, y). The special methods are only used if you want to modify the existing Vec2D, not create a new one.
Could you please link me to the wiki, this game seems decent enough, if the Lua is alright i'll probably stay here rather then on roblox; they locked another key in lua. D:
I also got kicked off from buildism; error:

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