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I've been bored, so I started writing this.
Don't worry, Mysty is not dead. Ghosty is fine, too. I just don't have time to write the next chapters tonight. At least I got over the dark, depressing, scary, action-packed bit. Hopefully without ruining it too terribly. Should be the only one of those for a long while.
Added another chapter. I've meant to work on more but haven't been able to get in the mood for it.
Can I be in the next series? :3. Read all of it. Love it!
I already have most of the basic plot figured out. I suppose I could make one of the minor characters named Ashely, but it would probably be a wolf or bear or something weird like that.

Then again, one of the main characters will be named Jacob... but I'm "stealing" the name from a failed attempt at a story I started about 10 years ago. No reference to the great Morgan.

I dunno. Don't count on it, but something might fall into place at some point. I know my basic plot, but there's a lot of details to be worked on and there are always things that can end up tweaked if I don't like them or find something better.

Glad to know you liked it.
When does Ashely get eaten by the dinosaur? Big Grin
You obviously misinterpreted my cryptic comment in the chat.

If I decide to do as such, I'm still undecided on it, the dinosaur (which doesn't talk or anything kiddish like that) will be named Ashely. Wink
(06-24-2012, 12:31 AM)Qwertygiy Wrote: You obviously misinterpreted my cryptic comment in the chat.

If I decide to do as such, I'm still undecided on it, the dinosaur (which doesn't talk or anything kiddish like that) will be named Ashely. Wink

I want Ashely to BE EATEN!
I seem to have hit a Motivation Block. I've just been unable to get writing (or do much of anything else for that matter) so I've put up the bit of the latest chapter that I have completed.
Added another chapter.

Something I'm a bit worried about is character uniformity. I'm not quite sure that I'm giving Ghosty and Mysty a good reliable personality and I think it's changing up a bit as I go along. Is anyone else noticing this or is it just overly-perfectionist author self-criticism?

Edit: Ha, I can't believe I didn't remember to take this bit out while I puzzle it over:

Quote:"No idea," Ghosty answered. "I haven't met any outlandish beings except a couple other random ghosts, that entourage that came after us, and [ put some suitable person's name here, I can't think of anyone right now ].

Any ideas? And no, Dignity, before you reply, "Ashely" won't work.

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