[ Suggestion ] - Make the connections like roblox style and add findFirstChild
since this script

while true do
p = create("Box");
p.Position = Vec2D(math.random(400,600),100)
p.Size = Vec2D(5, 5)
p.Color = Color(math.random(0, 255), math.random(0, 255), math.random(0, 255))
p.Parent = game.World
p.Fixed = false
s = create("Script")
s.Source = "sleep(5); while script.Parent.Transparency < 1 do script.Parent.Transparency = script.Parent.Transparency + 0.2; sleep(0.1); end; script.Parent:remove();"
s.Parent = p
sa = create("Script")
sa.Source = "link(script.Parent.Collided, function(touch) if touch.Name ~= "Ground" and touch.Score ~= nil then script.Parent:remove(); end end)"
sa.Parent = p
tex = create("Texture")
tex.Image "http://image.shutterstock.com/display_pic_with_logo/251461/251461,1236423088,1/stock-photo-closeup-waffle-texture-to-background-26195983.jpg"
tex.Parent = p

requires findFirstChild, it is needed in the LUA Database and can you make the connections similar in ROBLOX, so it can be more easier?
The latest update has a getChild() that works like findFirstChild() in Roblox.

And the connections will have to stay this way for now. Roblox uses one Lua environment with multiple threads; the Lua library I used doesn't support threads so each script has a separate Lua environment. If a member function was used to connect events, then the game wouldn't know what Lua environment to run the event script on, if that makes any sense.
well that fixes everything about the connectors, but what bugs me most is this:

[2010-10-16 17:34:14] Tried to call nil

when you do a if not statement

sa.Source = "link(script.Parent.Collided, function(touch) if touch.Name ~= "Ground" and touch.Score ~= nil then script.Parent:remove(); end end)"
Is Score a value object? If it is you have to get the Value property (touch.Score.Value).

Not statements shouldn't cause errors.
even with the score out, it still says the same error
I finally realized what the problem is, you have to escape quotes in strings with backslashes, otherwise it gets confused.

sa.Source = "link(script.Parent.Collided, function(touch) if touch.Name ~= \"Ground\" and touch.Score ~= nil then script.Parent:remove(); end end)
[spam removed]

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