Music Player
Put the sound you want to play and a BooleanValue called Playing in the play button, then put a script inside it:
link(script.Parent.Clicked, function()
    if script.Parent.Playing.Value then
        script.Parent.Playing.Value = false
        script.Parent.Playing.Value = true

Players can then click the button to start and stop the music.
Can you 'upload' music? If so, how? Do you just type it in?
Not on Buildism, but you can upload your sound somewhere else and link to it. First, upload your sound somewhere. The click Edit>Insert Object and then Sound, then change the Sound property of the sound to the correct URL.
It won't let me attach one to the thread though... Sad
Also, do you know somewhere where I could upload a sound? If you don't, I might just have to be sneaky and steal ROBLOX music :loneranger:
Try a free web host. Some of them might not allow remote linking, you'll have to test.
Ok. I think I'll test to see if I can use the existing ROBLOX sounds, and if I can exploit my way into the sounds that you can no longer use on ROBLOX.
(02-09-2011, 09:51 PM)Jacob_ Wrote: Not on Buildism, but you can upload your sound somewhere else and link to it. First, upload your sound somewhere. The click Edit>Insert Object and then Sound, then change the Sound property of the sound to the correct URL.

A great website to go for sound Url's without having to unload them is I go there alot for sounds and such.
I can't get ANY non-resource sounds whatsoever to work on Buildism. That includes sounds stored on my computer, in C:\WINDOWS\Media, and ones that pull up WMP when you type the URL in IE. (Acryonymity!) Anyway, they never work. Does anybody else have a URL that WORKS for them so I can see if it's just me, if I'm not looking in the right places somehow, or if Buildism is just bugged?
Sounds stored on your computer won't play, even for you.

What file type were the online sounds you tried?
(03-19-2011, 02:54 AM)Jacob_ Wrote: What file type were the online sounds you tried?
Mostly mp3... I can't remember if I tried any .wavs, and I know I didn't try any .mids.
Can Buildism only play .wavs or something?

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