Hey I'm new :D
Just recently joined... This website is pretty cool Big Grin
So, is there anything I need to know to help get me started?

May I start off by saying, Hello.
You don't need to know a lot to have fun. Mostly everyone here is really nice and easy to fit in. You will get experience with the game as you proceed. If you have any questions feel free to ask. Smile
Have a nice day.
Welcome! I don't think there is anything you should know to get started, but that's because I usually learn everything on my own.

Have fun, and I hope to see you around!
[Image: rogershanksluffy_display.gif]
Hi there! It's nice to have a new face here.
Yes, I am a furry. Judge me if you want.
Did you like my post? Give me internets!
[Image: 76561198037771700.png][Image: 7923.png]

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