Why are so many people complaining about this game?
It's been online for 6 MONTHS. It's obviously unfinished, since they haven't had much time to work on it. If you don't want to help them test and add new features, then you shouldn't have signed up. Whining about it and trying to get the community to feel sorry for you isn't going to help anything.

If you played ROBLOX in 2005 you would feel the same way. They didn't get multiplayer until 2006, at least Buildism's multiplayer is partly finished! Making games takes time, they don't just appear out of nowhere.
Noone complains on this game...Every body loves it!
[Image: dancerssssssss.gif]
I like the game...
The only people who hate it are those who believe it is copied, so, they sign up and just tell the site it's copied, don't even look at the game.
[Image: poptartFINALTINY.gif]
[Image: log.png?t=1302647037]
Honestly, I love this game.
Yeah, it could get better but its fine right now.

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