Another example of a meaningless annoying bug
Line 3: [lua] local controller = body.VelocityController [/lua]
--Some stuff

Line 14: [lua] function CheckVitalSigns() [/lua]
--Some stuff

Lines 17-20: [lua] if controller == nil then
controller = create("VelocityController")
controller.Parent = body
end [/lua]
--More stuff, including end of CheckVitalSigns

Lines 30-32: [lua]while true do
CheckVitalSigns() [/lua]
--Even more stuff

Lines 46-48: [lua] if not controller then CheckVitalSigns() end
if thedude.Position.x > body.Position.x then
controller.Velocity.x = 5.0 [/lua]

Output: Script:48: attempted index of non-table

controller.Velocity.x = 5.0

Have you tried "controller.Velocity = Vec2D(5.0,0)" and you can change the y-component to whatever you want.
I'll try -- using it like this:
controller.Velocity = Vec2D(5.0,controller.Velocity.y)
So that I can change the y seperately.

And it worked. :doubt: Vectors are odd in Lua.
You can't only change the x or y components.
^^ Err, I mean change their values.

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