Here are some sounds for you to use in your games, guaranteed to work! They aren't models, they are sounds. To use, right-click an attachment and select Properties. Copy the URL and paste it in your Sound. And yes, if you want to download them for your own use they will work -- you just have to make Windows Media Player "allow" it.
MIDI music is from Microsoft Office, and most Sound Effects from Magic School Bus, Open Office, or various Windows noises.
A nice note: You can tell how many times a sound has been accessed ingame (by any user on a game with the sound in it) by the Downloads number.
Test: WITCH, a spookish synth song that loops nicely.
Dismal Bells: Dismal Bells / Dismal Bells / Slushing through the gloom / Oh how very drab it is / As we march on to our doom...
jazzloop: As the name implies, a slow jazz music loop.
Whoom: A nice intro sound.
CheerfulMusic: The name says it all. 17 second loop.
Just so you know, there can only be up to 5 attachments per post unless they merge, so I will continue the list with other posts.
SchoolBell: RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING!!!! Slightly annoying.
Tappy Beat: A 5-second optional loop of a tapping beat.
Whoosh: This would be nice for a "jumping" sound.
Whish: Similar to Whoosh, but higher pitched.
Twhoo: Lower pitched than Whoosh, and slightly different.
Squeakhonk: A squeaky honk. Useful.
Sqwonkee: Like a cartoon rubber band stretching. Kinda.
4squeak: Squeaking wheels rolling, or maybe a chimpanzee.
Wipe: Like a Squeegee.
Chonk: If you can't find a way to use this, you have little imagination.
Chirp-ding: Chirp. Duwiiiing!
Rocketbounce: Sounds like a bounce that takes off...
Donk: A metallic "Donk".
Chaotic Riochet: Whew. Bonk! Ding - Huunk.
Glurpglug: Liquid flowing into a tube, or something like that.
I'll add more in a while... I'm a bit tired of adding them at the moment.
I'm back at it!
Descending Bubbles: A bubblyish noise that descends in pitch.
Ascending Bubbles: An even bubblier noise that rises in pitch.
Mechanical Whirr: Whrrrm.
Mechanical Dischord: A cross between a steam train whistle, and grinding gears. Not as bad as I just made it sound though...
ToolRachet: Sounds like a wrench turning a nut 4 times.
Rubber Click: If you used an eraser as your mouse, this is what it would sound like.
Rubber Pluck: Someone repeatedly twanging a rubber band
Comical Machinery: Bumpita Chunga-Chunga -- HUUNK! Bumpita Chunga-Chunga -- HUUNK! :lol:
Spazor: SPAce laZOR.
Magical Appearance: Ba-dwaaananng! Good for powerups.
MIDI music is from Microsoft Office, and most Sound Effects from Magic School Bus, Open Office, or various Windows noises.
A nice note: You can tell how many times a sound has been accessed ingame (by any user on a game with the sound in it) by the Downloads number.

Test: WITCH, a spookish synth song that loops nicely.
Dismal Bells: Dismal Bells / Dismal Bells / Slushing through the gloom / Oh how very drab it is / As we march on to our doom...
jazzloop: As the name implies, a slow jazz music loop.
Whoom: A nice intro sound.
CheerfulMusic: The name says it all. 17 second loop.
Just so you know, there can only be up to 5 attachments per post unless they merge, so I will continue the list with other posts.
SchoolBell: RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING!!!! Slightly annoying.
Tappy Beat: A 5-second optional loop of a tapping beat.
Whoosh: This would be nice for a "jumping" sound.
Whish: Similar to Whoosh, but higher pitched.
Twhoo: Lower pitched than Whoosh, and slightly different.
Squeakhonk: A squeaky honk. Useful.
Sqwonkee: Like a cartoon rubber band stretching. Kinda.
4squeak: Squeaking wheels rolling, or maybe a chimpanzee.
Wipe: Like a Squeegee.
Chonk: If you can't find a way to use this, you have little imagination.
Chirp-ding: Chirp. Duwiiiing!
Rocketbounce: Sounds like a bounce that takes off...
Donk: A metallic "Donk".
Chaotic Riochet: Whew. Bonk! Ding - Huunk.
Glurpglug: Liquid flowing into a tube, or something like that.
I'll add more in a while... I'm a bit tired of adding them at the moment.
I'm back at it!
Descending Bubbles: A bubblyish noise that descends in pitch.
Ascending Bubbles: An even bubblier noise that rises in pitch.
Mechanical Whirr: Whrrrm.
Mechanical Dischord: A cross between a steam train whistle, and grinding gears. Not as bad as I just made it sound though...
ToolRachet: Sounds like a wrench turning a nut 4 times.
Rubber Click: If you used an eraser as your mouse, this is what it would sound like.
Rubber Pluck: Someone repeatedly twanging a rubber band
Comical Machinery: Bumpita Chunga-Chunga -- HUUNK! Bumpita Chunga-Chunga -- HUUNK! :lol:
Spazor: SPAce laZOR.
Magical Appearance: Ba-dwaaananng! Good for powerups.