Average hat comments on Roblox. WARNING: PAGESTRETCH
Arranged by Wordle.
The larger the word is = the amount of times it is used.
[Image: averagerobloxhatcomment.png]
[Image: bandcampbanner.png]
Some of these word orders are hilarious.

Spammers Auditions on Please Poor BC's

Spend 15k to youtube Nova out

Robux: 10. Regret it. Come plz by my Frost VIP.
Here is the original with the duplicate, time, names, and report abuse removed in the final version:

Posted 2 seconds ago by RapidSpeed
Is this item right for you? Do you want to test it out before you spend all your money and regret it? Come to my place to test out some items before you buy!
Report Abuse
Posted 4 seconds ago by SilverSlayer2341
Come to the Original Frost Nova at my Frost Nova place. There is free vip!
Report Abuse Posted 41 seconds ago by Cheddrman
please buy http://www.roblox.com/Frostbrand-item?id=32858586
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Posted 2 minutes ago by BountyHunter64
plz donate, im poor with 10 robux
Report Abuse Posted 4 minutes ago by PloxFox
I can get you 15K+
If interested come meet me at my place!
*BC's ONLY!*
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Posted 4 minutes ago by daveblaney38
K xx
Report Abuse Posted 5 minutes ago by Cheddrman
please buy http://www.roblox.com/Frostbrand-item?id=32858586
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Posted 5 minutes ago by dudeiatemp
Spammers is all you see on hats...
Report Abuse Posted 6 minutes ago by usednaruto213
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Posted 6 minutes ago by crazydog78
I fell like I have a pretty good game that i made come and check it out I will be there http://www.roblox.com/Castle-Wars-item?id=20735
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[Image: combee.png]
[Image: 415Combee.png] guys, combee is do free will
[Image: bandcampbanner.png]
Aw come on. You only posted one page into it?

Now if only we could make a script that posted all the ROBLOX hat comments into it.

We'd get an awsome pixelated blur. Zoom in a couple thousand times and we'd get an awsome dictionary mess.
(04-30-2011, 10:54 PM)Qwertygiy Wrote: Aw come on. You only posted one page into it?

Now if only we could make a script that posted all the ROBLOX hat comments into it.

We'd get an awsome pixelated blur. Zoom in a couple thousand times and we'd get an awsome dictionary mess.

Everything would be a blur except a mega huge "come to my place", "free obc", and "hat".
[Image: bandcampbanner.png]
You're forgetting "Post", "this", "on", "tix", "robux", and "BC".

Spam: Stupid posts about money.

At least on ROBLOX.
Still Alive Wordle Style!
Linked, Portal 1 spoilers here.
[Image: bandcampbanner.png]

By me
Wordle apparently has no idea how to color Lua code...

[Image: 6hq8lx.png]

Hehehehe. This is from a tool I've been working on in ROBLOX called the Iceball.
WAITAMINUTE... How come "NAME" is listed TWICE?! O.O
(05-03-2011, 12:14 PM)Qwertygiy Wrote: Wordle apparently has no idea how to color Lua code...

[Image: 6hq8lx.png]

Hehehehe. This is from a tool I've been working on in ROBLOX called the Iceball.
WAITAMINUTE... How come "NAME" is listed TWICE?! O.O

Well, if you have "Name" and "name", or "naMe" and "nAme", each form of capitalization is counted as a different word.
[Image: bandcampbanner.png]

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