05-08-2011, 08:56 PM
Yesterday, on roblox on my main I spoke out about the moderators, talking about how bad they are. Later (AKA 5 mins) they banned my account and marked it as spam. Then I went on my alt account and told everybody what happened. This alt was housing part 2 of my game and it was 75% done. Then later........they terminated my alt....They deleted my alt with no warning and I lost all my progress to my place. I mean by all of it. Its all gone, and it enrages me. Not only was I falsely banned, they deleted my account that was housing my 75% complete game. So, from this day forth I am only going to forum on roblox, nothing more. These admins are lunatic morons that never care for the community. Same goes for the idiotic mods like Sorcus.