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We have a severe lack of good games. So...
Let me present...
The Qwertygiy Build-A-Place contest!

Jacob_ HAS made this an official contest now, so there's some extra incentive now.

  • You must make a place that is complete. No big empty gaps or unfinished levels, and there must be a purpose. A bunch of balls? No. A bunch of balls raining from the sky with a winner section? Absolutely.
  • Your place must have at least one starter tool. Even if it's just Jacob_'s rocket tool.
  • Your place must have Q-Contest somewhere in the name or description so I can find it and list it in the entries.
  • The prize? The winner gets the Buildism Contest Winner rank and a link to the winning game on the front page of the site until July. Also, some extra reputations by me (and anyone else who decides to as well) and a comment on your profile by me declaring you winner.

Yes, you can use a place you have already built, so long as it confirms to the rules. Or you can twist it a bit so that it fits the rules.

I will post the list of entries in a seperate thread at the end of May.

Voting rules:
  • No voting for your place. It will be a public poll, so we can see who voted for what. No alt-voting either.
  • You can vote for up to 2 places. A third vote counts all your votes invalid.
  • You will have 1 week for voting. Voting ends on June 7th.

Happy Building!
Meh, I'll post my entry soon.
You can if you like, so we can check it out before-hand, but to get included in the voting list (like I said in the rules) you have to include "Q-Contest" somewhere in the name or description.
I approve! I'll give the winner the Buildism Contest Winner rank and put a link to the winning game on the front page of the site until July.
*Stares at my empty slots of work I never got to*
Eh, I'm not sure if I should participate, I'm just so bad at building, but I'll possibly at least do something or nothing...
Try an Algebraic tool then. Something like

for x = 1, 50 do
for y = 1, 50 do
if x^2 == (y^2 * 0.5) then
wait() --Prevents too much lag
local part = create("Box")
part.Fixed = true
part.Collidable = false
part.CharacterCollide = false
part.Size = Vec2D(5, 5)
part.Position = Vec2D(x, y)
part.Color = Color(0.5, 0.3, 0)
part.Parent = game.World
end end end
Sounds fun!
I'll enter.
[Image: chaosthegreat.png]
Entered! Big Grin I am in florida ATM and my other laptop that buildism does not work on is broke so I can't edit. :l
Crap. I don't Build Games with an actual Purpose, but to Explore, or change your Skin, or push People off of Cliffs... and only One of them HAS a Starter Tool, and it doesn't really have that Big of a Purpose...

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