Attenion:Please Tell other people to stop believing in 2012
Some mexicans started it. I dislike some mexican people, but I like some through. 2012 is fake, there is proof. Remember the 2k scare? I was only a 1 year old back in 2000, but many people got scared about the Y2K hoax, but nothing came.
1. Polar shifts take millions of years and polar shifts cannot kill people.
2. There is no Nibru and if there was, we would have be warned by now. Nibru is obviously a scare hoax.
3. The mayan calender stoped because they got tired of doing the calender.

Read more why 2012 is fake at
[Image: 1te6tmtu01m.png]
the dogs will take over these countries.
1 person says it, then everyone says it.
You have the right to believe in anything you want.
(05-17-2011, 12:14 PM)Ice Wrote: You have the right to believe in anything you want.

Yeah, sure. But this is completely idiotic and annoying.
[Image: 76561197999388553.png]
(05-17-2011, 12:14 PM)Ice Wrote: You have the right to believe in anything you want.

And I can believe that tommorow I'll turn into a duck and go chase Jacob_'s cat up a tree before it starts to rain purple jelly balls.

I can believe it all I want, but that doesn't mean it'll happen.
Oh, and polar shifts? You mean when the South Pole becomes the Norht Pole and vice versa?

1: We've been way overdue for one.

2: They only take a few years.

3: The magnetic field weakens when it happens, and random north and south poles pop up all over the globe.

4: If a major solar flare aimed at the Earth happens then (solar max is coming in the next few years at some point), it could in theory cause an EMP and black-out the world.

However, it's very unlikely and the Science Channel show I watched about it may have overstated some stuff.
Actually i dont believe that the world will end by 2012

those cience programs ony show the theory, but none of the cientists say that the believe that will happen, the media only pay them to talk about the theory, and for being cientists, it gives more probabilities(did i sayed it righ?) that ppl believe those theories
[Image: evil-dead-deer.gif]
It's not like some little thing -- it's the Science Channel, the same group as the Discovery Channel, Animal Planet, History Channel, and a bunch of others. It's not like some PBS news special or anything.

But I've seen another one that says the magnetic field would still be strong enough to deflect the strongest known flare.

Who knows? [hehe] But I seriously doubt that apocalypse is coming anytime soon.
The world will probably end in 7 billion years from now, because the sun is going to become a red giant and Definitly Mercury, Most likely Venus, and Probably Earth would be engulfed. If Planet Earth survives, then we would definitly die out or we would have to move to another solar system to call "home". It is true, I read in books and watch videos about the Future Earth.

I'm Atheist and I respect others beliefs, but I don't like it when people make beliefs just to scare people. I use to be catholic, but when I got older, I just decided to become an atheist. Some of my classmates shove religion down my throat, but thankfully they don't because I'm out of school. Why? It is not good to shove religion down people's throat, everyone has a right to a belief, probably not North Korea, but still.

[Image: 1te6tmtu01m.png]
the dogs will take over these countries.
I have somethign to laugh at in 2 days Big Grin
Sorry to Bump, but spread this news please.
[Image: 1te6tmtu01m.png]
the dogs will take over these countries.

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