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idk, about you but I think we should add membership? don't you think. Worse, thing is you have to Pay for it.

Membership Benifints:
- You get to add more games
- Sell your clothing*this is if we only come up with money.
- make new hats
- get more tools
and this is all i can think of, so yeah :lol:
why add on to the reasons why people want to call this a roblox ripoff?
[Image: whatdidyoudofix.gif]
I don't think anyone would buy a membership if we had it.
A donate button would be better.
Or make all requests to the forum go to ad.fly first.
[Image: 2eehsib.gif]
(01-17-2013, 02:37 AM)Jacob_ Wrote: I don't think anyone would buy a membership if we had it.

oh ok :lol:
If we had a bigger audience and good features with this membership then people would buy it for sure.
[Image: m2m2gSSDCz-2.png]

Well I WAS the walrus.
(01-17-2013, 02:37 AM)Jacob_ Wrote: I don't think anyone would buy a membership if we had it.

Who knows until you try it?
[Image: 9g5l9w1mtad.png]
The red dots specify where the bombs will be dropped.
(02-09-2013, 03:41 AM)Myem Wrote:
(01-17-2013, 02:37 AM)Jacob_ Wrote: I don't think anyone would buy a membership if we had it.

Who knows until you try it?

Jacob_ never likes taking risks and he has no confidence whatsoever.
He's way too negative.
[Image: m2m2gSSDCz-2.png]

Well I WAS the walrus.
I would buy the membership. I'm Interested jacob.
[Image: 9xgr3l5t0zw.png] This is the map of how many countries Iran will take over.
I probably would too but there would at least have to be some features that'd come with the membership.
[Image: m2m2gSSDCz-2.png]

Well I WAS the walrus.

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