An e-mail has been served.
"their respective moderation teems and users"

Just thought I'd point out your typo.
I think the mail is well done and exposes very well the problem and the possible solution
[Image: evil-dead-deer.gif]
And I thought my message was professional...

If they don't respond to that email, they won't respond to anything.
(06-13-2011, 05:08 PM)Qwertygiy Wrote: And I thought my message was professional...

If they don't respond to that email, they won't respond to anything.

Obviously they thought it was just another "Timmy called me a noob, ban him plz!" e-mails.

This was her reply.

"Anna, Jun-13 07:18 (PDT):
Dear [[Myname]],
We are sorry to hear about this incident. If you see users talking about something inappropriate on any of our forums, please report it with the Report Abuse buttons. Our moderators do the best they can, but please try to understand that there are about a dozen moderators and tens of thousands of users. The best way to make sure something is moderated quickly is to report it, rather than just waiting idly for the moderators to have a chance to take it down. I am a moderator myself and can tell you from experience that we rely on responsible, concerned users like yourself to assist in the moderation process by reporting inappropriate content.
We cannot moderate users without proof, which is another reason we need the inappropriate content reported. As long as you report it, we will be happy to punish the person who posted it.

Pointing out the stupidity of this:

We are sorry to hear about this incident.
-- I hope so.
If you see users talking about something inappropriate on any of our forums, please report it with the Report Abuse buttons.
--It was reported, but if you'd read the e-mail it was said that the content was not removed until after the incident.
Our moderators do the best they can, but please try to understand that there are about a dozen moderators and tens of thousands of users.
--Another line that makes me think you just skimmed my letter. I stated;

Quote:I understand that moderators cannot watch the forum all the time but there's some point where you have to draw the line.

The best way to make sure something is moderated quickly is to report it, rather than just waiting idly for the moderators to have a chance to take it down.
-- If the moderators were there to take it down, they would have. Reporting does nothing if there are no mods to read the reports.

I am a moderator myself and can tell you from experience that we rely on responsible, concerned users like yourself to assist in the moderation process by reporting inappropriate content.
-- I'm more than a concerned user- I'm a volunteer staff of a site that was illegally and maliciously attacked by your users.

We cannot moderate users without proof, which is another reason we need the inappropriate content reported.
--Surely you have some logs of deleted threads. Any one of them shows people openly confessing to DoSing and raiding CubeBomb and Buildism.

As long as you report it, we will be happy to punish the person who posted it.
-- It's more than a post. It's an inter-site raid.


I did not send that as my reply, but instead opted with a much simpler;

Quote:I pray that you will understand this, but the incident in question was more than inappropriate content posted on your website. Your users were organizing, planning and directing illegal activities resulting in your users DoSing a site.

This is gonna be a long week.
Edit: She replied.

Dear [[ME]],
Yes, you made that clear. Again, we apologize for the incident, but as long as you report inappropriate behavior with the Report Abuse buttons, the moderators will be happy to help you.

I got nothing. Anyone got anything that I should say? It's like trying to play diplomacy against a brick wall.
~Phoenix, Buildism's resident flaming bird, CubeBomb Moderator, Lua Coder, and overall mature individual. :3
She always says report buttons. She won't do anything to remove very very bad reports - she says "report it" no matter how bad the report is.
[Image: poptartFINALTINY.gif]
[Image: log.png?t=1302647037]
Is there anything I can do to get her to see that this is more than what an on-site report button can solve?
~Phoenix, Buildism's resident flaming bird, CubeBomb Moderator, Lua Coder, and overall mature individual. :3
What you do:
  1. Get the IP of the email sent to you
  2. Find the location of the IP
  3. Go there
  4. Talk to the person IRL
  5. ?????
  6. Profit!
(06-13-2011, 06:19 PM)Phoenix Wrote: Is there anything I can do to get her to see that this is more than what an on-site report button can solve?

No. She is not the best resort. Email it to Telamon, see his response.

He might not respond, but Anna uses the report button and won't do any action against the thing you reported in the email.
[Image: poptartFINALTINY.gif]
[Image: log.png?t=1302647037]
(06-13-2011, 06:24 PM)Login Wrote:
(06-13-2011, 06:19 PM)Phoenix Wrote: Is there anything I can do to get her to see that this is more than what an on-site report button can solve?

No. She is not the best resort. Email it to Telamon, see his response.

He might not respond, but Anna uses the report button and won't do any action against the thing you reported in the email.

Sent to Telakins. Let's see if he can see from our perspective.
~Phoenix, Buildism's resident flaming bird, CubeBomb Moderator, Lua Coder, and overall mature individual. :3
(06-13-2011, 02:28 AM)Phoenix Wrote: Email I plan to send to
I want to see their reply.

Earlier today, a site I moderate (CubeBomb, "") was DoS attacked by users from ROBLOX's Off-Topic forum section.

This attack was organized and planned on said forum section, and posts about the incident were not moderated against until after the site was attacked, a decent while later.

In the time it took for the moderation team to respond to the posts, another site (Buildism, "") was spam attacked, causing the developer (Jacob_, Twitter @Jacob__) to close down the site to prevent a possible DoS attack or further vandalism.

The developer of CubeBomb was forced to re-open the website, at which time the moderation team, including myself (known as Phoenix on CubeBomb), began to clean up the mess left by your users.

The developer of CubeBomb, StuffMaker (Twitter @CBStuffy), chose not to file charges against the attackers.

I, however, as a volunteer Moderator of CubeBomb, would like to see some action taken on the ROBLOX staff's part to prevent such attacks from happening again against both CubeBomb and Buildism, as well as any other sites.

I ask in the most respectful way possible that you implement one or both of the following;

1. An amendment to the ROBLOX rules in accordance to this forum thread made by phpscriptcoder, aka the aforementioned "Jacob_"-

2. Punishment to the extent you feel appropriate to the users who organized the raids/attacks on the 2 websites as listed above. Not only did they promote committing an illegal action (DoS attacking a website), they broke the rules of the ROBLOX forums as noted in this thread-

As I went to find the thread link, this post showed up. (See in attachments, PNG image file). Another example of behavior encouraging and even jokingly referencing DoS software.

Thread Link:

I hope you will understand that allowing your Off-Topic forum to become a place for planning illegal activities when "the mods aren't on" throws a very unprofessional shadow over your business and your game.

Allowing your users the opportunity to openly harass ours or go as far as take down our website makes your moderation look all but incompetent. I understand that moderators cannot watch the forum all the time but there's some point where you have to draw the line.

If your users cannot be trusted to not organize illegal activities on your forum without constant moderation then there needs to be changes made.
What these changes will or should be, I do not know. But to prevent something like this again before other sites are attacked should become a high priority for the ROBLOX staff.

Thank you for your time. I hope this e-mail is taken very seriously as the situation described in it has been taken extremely seriously by the developers of both aforementioned sites, as well as their respective moderation teems and users.

Note; I do not claim to be a paid employee of either site or a lawyer/attorney for either. I don't claim to own, in any way, shape or form, either site. I am sending this message as a volunteer moderator on CubeBomb, and was not ordered to do so by the developer of either site.
That out of the way, I do hope you will take this as seriously as if it were from a paid staff member of one of the sites.

aka Gogohappy754 (ROBLOX)
aka Phoenix (CubeBomb)

Also- not sent yet, want to see what you guys think.

Good and I can't sign up for cubebomb fur some reason.
[Image: 5323jl.jpg]

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