The Empire Of Buildism

Part One: The Last War

The date is 1798, and the empire of Buildism is falling to the T.R.O.L.L. clan. Almost 20 years we have battled. When we thought they had been defeated, they had revived from the ashes, now overpowering us. Several losses, and rebellions have struck us. There is only one hope left...

Chapter 1

Token City, a large area of buildism, has just been stocked with the latest ammunition, and are ready to fight off the shocking TROLL force, and hopefully General Tyler.

Admiral Jacob_, however has a bad feeling about the coming war.

"Something is not right. They can easily come through Dollarville, wiping out most of our infantry positioned on the left fort coming through the road."

"We have just repaired that fort. There are even more patrols guarding the road. Surely they couldn't get through that..." Said Who, only a rank under Jacob_.

"Well, I'm not too keen on this operation. I'm already thinking they're banking more on the possibility our spies were in their war room. It couldn't have been hard to change a few locations, and change them back again by the time the spies have just reported to us," uncertainly replied Jacob_.

"Well, I'm going to ready my army, so you can do what you think is best."

General Who then left the room, and called for a march into Castle Town, only a few kilometers North of Token City.

Jacob_ couldn't just lie there. He had to prove his rank as Admiral to do something as well. He couldn't decide whether to defend one city or the other. He eventually made up his mind, and defended his home town, Token City, joining Who's army.
Chapter 2

Jacob_ and Who were ready to fight. However, time was ticking, and it took forever for them to come.


A large cannon had fired, right behind them. They had misinterpreted their spies's report, and realised they did come through Castle Town, and getting into Token Fort the other way. The cannon was made of high quality steel. It was large, well loaded and well aimed, which just brought down the outer wall in one shot.

The TROLLs bursted in with high confidence. Officer Fire, in the Inner Wall was shaking with fear. Another charge from that cannon would overtake the fort. Enemy General Tyler stood laughing above the cannon. Officer Fire realised there was nothing that could stop them, so he ordered the assassination of General Tyler. He had caused Buildism enough trouble, and without him, the TROLLs wouldn't stand a chance. After reloading his flintlock rifle, a Buildist Soldier took a steady shot at Tyler's head, hitting it, with Tyler going pale and falling down.

The TROLLs at the time of the battle were severly stunned at this, and could either run, or fight to their death. Being cowards, they ran, dropping their weapons, even their high quality cannon. Officer Fire couldn't believe his luck. Admiral Jacob_ Was very proud of this feat, and had now promoted Fire to a lieutenant. The soldier who took aim got Buildism's highest medal.

However, it wasn't exactly over yet. Emperor Paradox heard of the defeat, and only laughed, for Tyler was not Tyler, but an impersonating decoy. Now that Buildism had thought they had reached a milestone of hope, it was time for the real Tyler to take action...
Chapter 3

In the latest technology of hot air balloons, the wind pointed towards Buildox, Buildism's capital city. The hot air balloons were loaded with kindling and fire, and fire pots to drop on the city. The timing couldn't have gotten better.

The hot air balloons inflated, and took to the skies. Only 3 hours later, they were on the target of Buildox. Emperor Paradox had ordered not to bomb the city, but the forest around it prior to the assault. Not more than 2 minutes later, the fire pots were lit, and were dropped onto the forest, few landing on the far eastern side of Buildox. Buildox Forest caught fire almost immediately, with the inner part of the city totally unaware.

Fire was rapidly surrounding the city. Now that it had done so, there was no escape. Fire slowly overtook each building 1 by 1. smoke leapt into the air, and the balloonists dropped extra fire pots onto the city for their cruel humor. By now, some survivors had reported before Jacob_ of the great fire. All of them, however, had no idea of the balloons in the sky, as the sky filled with far too much smoke to see.

The trio, Who, Fire and Jacob_, were doomed. All the water Jacob_'s palace contained was used to fend off fire burning down the great landmark. However, the fire was too persistent, and got hold of the palace's foyer. Outside, the real Tyler lead an army of scouts into the parts that had already burnt down, capturing all survivors.

The palace's fire got worse, and even the palace's basement caught fire from the heat. Now stuck in one last room, they were doomed to die. Then without any warning, a sudden cold breeze flew through the air, dissolving all the heat. Not that that was a really a good thing, because Tyler had found them at last.

"Well, look who it isn't," Tyler mocked. "Surprised to see me? Yes, we were hoping to make you think you had really won that battle. Now, you will help us in many great ways in conquering your feeble empire."

"You'll never get away with this! Our army shall disintegrate your assault!", piped up Lt. Fire.

"Army, what army? Is it the one out your window?"

Outside, many Buildist soldiers lay motionless, with more TROLLs capturing and wiping out the survivors.

"A defeat is a defeat kid. Besides, I'm sure you won't mind our prison. We just stocked up on filth! Hahaha!"
Chapter 4

A loss of both Jacob_ and Who was a bad blow to Buildism army, and it wouldn't need to be long before the TROLLs could finish off the remaining part of the empire. Qwertygiy, the lost brother of Jacob_ could no longer obtain the supplies needed to feed the army and defeat the TROLLs. Everyone now respected and envied Tyler. Tyler was unstoppable and very intelligent and quick-witted. Qwertygiy couldn't handle this anymore.

"Ok. It is time to gather together and finally overcome Paradox. He has Who, Fire and Jacob_, and we're going to rescue them whatever the cost! Anyone who completes this mission shall receive our highest honour."

"Qwertygiy sir, do you know exactly where Paradox's lair is located?" Asked a Buildist soldier

"Well, yes and no. Jacob_ knew something was wrong, and he hid some reconaissance maps in the palace somewhere, and I'm not even sure if it has been burned already or not, but it's still worth a good look, even if Tyler is in that city," Qwertygiy replied.

Qwertygiy's first part was to first get an idea of what the condition of the city was. KeyBored, Qwertygiy's top spy had carefully noted the condition and the armament of the TROLLs. Not many were positioned. Tyler obviously doubted that anyone left would be able to survive there. Qwertygiy and his team then strolled in, carefully evading any patrols.

Standing by the gate, another one of Qwertygiy's men, TheFlame, picked the gate's lock, and gave it a strong push open. Now things seemed a little more tricky. some cannons were mounted right between them and the palace's front door. No TROLLs seemed to be near them, though this could all be a trap. KeyBored then decided to walk down the road casually, to see whether it was a trap.

KeyBored made it to the other end fine, with the cannons as dormant as an extinct volcano. Then, in a small countdown, the team ran towards the door. The heavy stomping sound woke a cannoneer, which he angrily fired a shot. Halfway to the door, a few of the men took out their flintlocks and fired at the cannoneer, killing him. However, that method was as useless as stabbing a shark, as the ringing sound of gunshots brought down a backup army manning the cannons, and heavily firing at the team.

KeyBored now had to do something fast. TheFlame made a run for it and helped KeyBored unlock the door. The palace was looking worse than it had ever before. They were in, but now Qwertygiy was the only one who could locate the plans in the utter maze. A few of the team laid motionless over the rubble, while cannon shots rained doom over Qwertygiy and Co.

Just one last run was all they needed. With one last fathom of courage, the team ran tiredly towards the door. The army then unmanned their positions, and ran after them too, firing their fine steel clockwork pistols. Two more men fell down, hit from the heavy fire, leaving only Qwertgiy and one more Buildist. At last Qwertygiy had made it to the door, rushing in and barricading it with everything in sight.

Right away, Qwertygiy went looking for that map. He found the trapdoor, and opened it. Inside, the secret basement indeed survived the scorching heat that swept over the city. A few hiding places could have contained the coordinates, but it was obvious it would be inside the map table's drawer. Taking it out, they now needed a safe escape before Tyler finds out and captures them too.
Chapter 5

"Ow! Watch where you're pointing that shovel!" Snorted TheFlame, after being hit on the arm with KeyBored's shovel.

"Oh be quiet! We'll need to be if we want this tunnel to work!" replied Qwertygiy.

With a muffled sigh of exhaustion, KeyBored kept tunnelling a hole just below the palace's dining room. The hole was almost to the surface, just climbing out of the hord of rubble would be the difficult part. With a last clunk, the hole had been finished. The remaining team climbed out, and got out of the city as fast as they could.

Outside, Tyler had got word of a small siege taking place inside the palace gates. With a small ambush team, they saw the attack had already happened, and was angry at the patrols and the cannoneers defending the palace.

Meanwhile, Qwertygiy got his opportunity and escaped over to Bloxiade Hill, near the secret entrance of the lair of Paradox. It was a long way, but the track was mostly flat until the hill top was near. They mounted their horses and galloped over to the hills.

Meanwhile, Paradox was torturing Jacob_ for information. With a hammer held by a mean TROLL, Paradox was enjoying Jacob_'s suffering.

"I'll never answer that question. No matter what pain I'll take!" Jacob said.

"Really? You better tell me where that map is, unless you want more beating up. All it takes is just for you to say the location."

"Location? It's somewhere in Buildism! Hah! There's your information Paradox!" Jacob retorted.

Filling up with anger, Paradox ordered the guard to hit Jacob_ harder, finally giving up.

"Ok, you win, look in the palace in Buildox. I can't remember where inside though..."

"It's a big palace. I'm sure you do know where it is. You don't want my guard to jog your memory any more do you?"

"Ok, ok! It's hidden in the basement in my room... you need a key though... it should be under a compartment inside the end dining room chair... "

"And where in your room is this man hole to the basement?"

"Under the bed... that's all I can remember..."

"Thanks for your time Jacob_. Now, give me a good reason why I should not just kill you now, rather than letting your pityful spies rescue you."

"I have none. You have almost taken down our whole empire. Only few provinces stand against your forces..."

"Good. Maybe I'll make you my slave rather than rot in my filthy prison! Hahaha..."

With a subtle nod, the TROLL guards drag Jacob_ from the torture room and give him a broom and force him to work.
Chapter 6

KeyBored galloped only over all remaining areas of Buildism, gathering what was left of the army. While Qwertygiy and TheFlame waited atop the hill. Then, the across the pale sunset trot the whole uncaptured army of Buildism. Across the hill laid the giant fortress of Paradox...

Before a single shot was to be even fired, KeyBored, Qwertygiy and TheFlame would need to infiltrate the fort and rescue the missing trio. Quietly climbing up a window, they stealthily peek through each window until they find one possibly near a dungeon. They found an unused guard room, with a sliding glass window with bars on the other side. The trio jumped inside and peeked over the jail bars. Only Who and Fire were imprisoned.

Qwertygiy ordered TheFlame to get them out and safe with the army, while KeyBored and himself find and rescue Jacob_ with a small portion of the army. With luck they wished themselves, Qwertygiy tryed to find every flight of stairs leading upwards he could, getting nearer to the topmost tower of the castle itself.

At last, they reached it. With Jacob_ being tied to a chair with two guards aiming their wheel-lock pistols at him. Paradox, sitting behind the chair, presented an evil smile on his face.

"Now, are you sure you want to be here? I only want Buildism for the best of intentions... Jacob_ here will even eventually be free, and will live life as a royal... only if you will give up your feeble attempt and bow only to me!"

"Never! Guards, shoot them!" Replied Qwertygiy.

The TROLL guards fell down from the gunfire, however Paradox seemingly being invulnerable to the bullets.

"Well, take Jacob_ with you then, and maybe we'll fight fairly. May the best army win!"
Chapter 7

Paradox wasn't fooling around. Tyler's maximum army surrounded Qwertygiy's, and they slowly couched in... compacting Qwertygiy's army. Qwertygiy couldn't stand losing after they had gotten so far, and ordered to fire at Tyler, and not to worry about the tiding army. Everyone was focused on killing Tyler, and only Tyler.

Tyler was now scared, an emotion he had not ever felt in ages. He couldn't just run, as he had an army to lead. Bullets rang out and whizzed past his head. He ducked and ordered his army to defend him. The Buildist
s now didn't have to worry as much about the army, and now fired outbursts of cannon fire at Tyler.

The buildists were now charging at them with their swords in the air. Tyler was doomed. Through extreme confidence, they overcame the defense, and charged even harder at Tyler, with all their remaining energy. Tyler, was far greater at duelling with swords, and beat the remaining guards, however, Qwertygiy ran through the line, and threw his single bowie knife at Tyler.

It hit with extreme accuracy, severing Tyler painfully to death. Now the buildists were on fire now! They chased and slaughtered any remaining TROLLs to their death. The rest of the TROLLs ran away, or suicided. Now, the army manned their cannons, and blasted fiery destruction on the castle. Even Paradox was now worried.

However, Paradox really did know what he was doing, and took his secret escape path over to the land of Trollblox. He knew he would lose this battle, now that they had Jacob_ back. He still didn't know that Who and Fire had been rescued. Who now ordered to go behind the castle and fire from all directions.

The hefty outerwall could no longer support itself, and collapsed. The buildists rushed in. Inside were TROLLs arming their HA Balloons, going up in the air, throwing fire pots at the Buildists. This disrupted the assault, but the noble sharpshots fired enough shots to bring down their balloons in flames. Jacob_ now ordered the army to stand back.

The army wondered why, but not for long. The fires from all the fire pots now were burning throughout the whole castle. A few more cannon shots blasted wide open holes in the upper area of the castle, weakening it by far. By this time, the upper castle gave way, and now the TROLLs were defeated once and for all!

...Or so they thought...

Part Two: A Wave of Depression

Note: The full life of a Buildist, in this story of course, is 200-300 years. I know this is probably a little too much, but it helps keep the story simple and not overcomplicated.

It had been about 140 years since the TROLLs had been defeated. Buildism had been at peace, however, not all things have been that well, especially since the introduction of the F.L.A.M.E.R.S. (Fictuous Land Assault ommitting Major Errors and Ridiculous Suxx0rz)

Chapter 1

Paradox, now rather old, had long lost the war ages ago. However, he had secretly been spying on Buildism's growth and weak points and building his secret volcano fortress. He decided reviving T.R.O.L.L. would be useless, so he had built a new clan. The FLAMERS. Technology on bombs, flamethrowers and other sorts of weapons. Fire was their speciality.

Leading scientist, Prof. LOL, was busily away at work for creating the most powerful bomb ever. He was starting to look in using atomic fission. However, he needed a lot of work to get this right, and what elements would be needed to create such a blast. Later, the answer would come to him.

Meanwhile, Jacob_, very old as well, had gotten word about the FLAMERS clan. Jacob_, was now far to old to go to battle, but he still was an admiral. Who, now Field Marshall Who, had not had a lot of practice with leading an army, but was still willing to fight.

"Be careful. They could be much worse than the TROLLs," warned Jacob_.

"Yes, you don't think you awarded me this rank for nothing did you?" Replied Who.

"Listen. All I want you to do is lead some patrols around Token City. Dollarville and Castle Town are much farther away from their domain, I'm pretty sure, although that's just counting on the rumors," stated Jacob_.

Who nodded, and brought a small army heavily armed with him. Being 174 years of age, only half a Buildist's lifetime, he marched proudly across Token City, probably even more energetically than the young Buildist soldiers.

However, in Cinder Metropolis, in the domain of the FLAMERSs, a bombing strike was ordered. Giant FAC BD-23 bombers had their engines started, all loaded with MDD-88 Kiloton bombs, waiting to wreak havoc on Buildox, the capital city of Buildism...

"Hinkler town"
Ok, I'll change the name to Castle Town.
Hm, can I be the person who invents the atomic bomb and plans a nuclear attack on Token City and Castle Town, which happens a few years later in the story?
Nice story! Keep updating, it's really nice!
[Image: poptartFINALTINY.gif]
[Image: log.png?t=1302647037]
Wow. That is realllly good.

Better than Kierons
[Image: evil-dead-deer.gif]
(06-14-2011, 07:12 AM)LOL Wrote: Hm, can I be the person who invents the atomic bomb and plans a nuclear attack on Token City and Castle Town, which happens a few years later in the story?

You will be in Part 2 Tongue
(06-15-2011, 12:10 AM)Logic Wrote:
(06-14-2011, 07:12 AM)LOL Wrote: Hm, can I be the person who invents the atomic bomb and plans a nuclear attack on Token City and Castle Town, which happens a few years later in the story?

You will be in Part 2 Tongue

Why do I have a bad feeling about this? >_>

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