I won't be able to make games or finish my current ones.
Every time I try to edit my game it loads java then goes directly to a white screen and locks up my computer. (Same thing happens when I try to play games.)

Anyway I hope to find the problem out soon so I can actually build my games.

I've tried the downloaded one also it runs but it lags (my computer is reeeaaaallyyy slow)

You might have a virus or something slowing your computer. Mine is not-so-fast but not really laggy and it takes a while to load Buildism.
Yeah, I'll be running virus scans soon.

Well this gives me time to bring back the Blandflakes marketing! Time to unleash the newest breakfast experience!
Let me guess. BlandFlakes now comes in 5 new flavors -- Bland, Dull, Plain, Unflavored, and Antimatter?
No, this will revolutionize breakfast and life! This will make every other item you own disappear! I mean that literally also.
I hope your computer will be fine soon. Big Grin
Yeah, I'll just be using the downloaded editor. It just lags like crazy though Tongue
I'll do you a skin. Cuz you're coolbeans.
Blandflakes will come in Leftover Poop, Un tastful Plain Urine, and Dull Sewer juice! Big Grin

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