What is the worst thing you've done to an insect?
(thread borrowed from the Minecraft forums)

I used to clip the wings of craneflies in half so they would run instead of flying.

Also, one time I caught a bunch of grasshoppers, put them in a metal container full of firecrackers, lit it, and closed the lid. My dad actually supported me since grasshoppers are a pest around here.

[Image: adult_lubber.jpg]
I did almost the same thing with grasshoppers, except I put them in a plastic bottle and threw the bottle in the fire. After that, some kid kicks the fire and the burning plastic goes all over my legs. I deserved that.
[Image: 76561198037039305.png]
[Image: nmdd7o.gif]
I put a few drops of gasonline on a ant hill and lit it on fire, although it really didn't burn much I think I cooked a few earthworms. D:
I ate it.
[Image: siggggg.gif?t=1312782506]

[Image: signature.png?t=1312081740]
I don't know the worst thing I've ever done to an insect, but I know the worst thing that one has done to me is to go fly around my face for a moment, land on my lip, and start chewing. I had a small phobia of bees and wasps at the time, and I stood there frozen for half an hour with it crawling on my lower lip. I didn't want to move because I was terrified it would sting me.

On second thought, I do know the worst thing. I once found a chrysalis, put it in an old ant-farm thingy, and forgot about it for months. Yes, it hatched. Yes, it was sealed.
Hmmm.. Maybe when I used to break legs of ants. Also I used to just put ants in my mouth. They taste like metal. I still do it. Their epic.
O.O You do know that ants are like bees and that there is an epidemic among bees right now?
(06-30-2011, 09:12 PM)Qwertygiy Wrote: O.O You do know that ants are like bees and that there is an epidemic among bees right now?

On English Ants?
The worst thing a bug has ever done to me? When I was 10 I picked up one of these:
[Image: 220px-Velvet_Ant.jpg]

Hint: it's not a large ant, it's a freaking wasp without wings. Some species of these are called "cow killers" because their sting is supposedly strong enough to kill a cow...
(06-30-2011, 09:30 PM)Jacob_ Wrote: The worst thing a bug has ever done to me? When I was 10 I picked up one of these:
[Image: 220px-Velvet_Ant.jpg]

Hint: it's not a large ant, it's a freaking wasp without wings. Some species of these are called "cow killers" because their sting is supposedly strong enough to kill a cow...

Hmmm.. Well... I got bitten let's see.. 3 on My Knee, about 5 on my Thighs.. 3 on my Butt.. My Toe.. 2 on my arm, bitten on a bite twice (On my knee) one on my foot.. And more... That was in Florida. Yeah. I get bit alot. And I got a bite in Spain I had to take my Mom's 500ml Antiboitics (I'm suppost to have 250ml) it was infected SOOOOOOO Bad! Lawl.

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