Please Jacob..
Add more setting's to be able to lower the graphics, I dont know why But buildism Lag's on my computer badly... It started lagging once You made terrain, and ever since It's been boring... Id love to build But I cant, I want you to add Things like quality settings etc... Please
There's not a way to "lower the graphics" in a 2D game like this one. Any computer from the last few years shouldn't have any trouble running it.
Hmmm... Do you have the latest version of Java installed?
Yeah like what Bland said.

I used to have the same problem. Make sure you have the lasest Java version.
@Jacob_ I Know it isnt possible to lower graphics in a 2d game but you can have quality settings like Low Medium High
You mean antiliastating?
[Image: 76561198037039305.png]
[Image: nmdd7o.gif]
What is there to lower?
[Image: 5widdh.png]
Siggy by McNoobster!
[Image: loading.gif]

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