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Zombie Clan Info
Hey, I am carrot, Proud leader of the Zombie Clan! If I am correct, this is one of the first (If not the first) Clans on Buildism!

Here is some info:
We are zombies! We love creating games where we can spar with each other, and hangout together.

How YOU can join:
Its pretty easy and fun! All you have to do is create a skin (Or copy one) of a zombie. it can be any kind, as long as it is on topic, and appropriate. Then you PM me you want to join. (This is so that I can keep record of members)

To remember:
THIS IS NOT A WAR CLAN! We do not approve of "Declaring war". We are nice to new members and frown upon mean behavior. We are also all friends so please do not worry about asking for help with anything!

1.Be nice to everyone! Even if they are not in the clan, we try to live up to our reputation of being friendly to others.
2.Please PM me asking before you build a hangout/base for us. This is very important.
3.Be patient. Even if it means taking a few minutes of your time helping a new member, it will pay off. Trust me ^_^

Ranks: (Note this will be updated later and more ranks will be added/removed)

1.Zombie- The newbie zombies
2.Screamer- The advanced zombies
3.Punisher- The Admin zombies (In charge of punishment for behavior)
4.Demon- The High Admins (In charge of ranking and recruiting)
5.OverKing- Me (Only the leader of the clan is this rank)

Well, that's it. Feel free to post questions/comments.Smile
Bawmp Wink

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