Just Because ROBLOX Has Hats
Doesn't mean Buildism having hats is bad...Jacob_ is less greedy so the "catalog" won't end up the same.

Before someone says "it doesn't effect ingame" it can. Someone can set up a bunch of hats and if you wear that hat you get a tool kit. EG. if it's a blue hat you get the blue tool kit in a game. This would work with skins but most people won't want to change their whole skin for some tools.

Hats can be stored in the game and give, but then you have to script it being an actual hat. These are just ideas but a hat isn't necessarily bad, especially considering we don't have a currency.
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Hats are essential to EVERY game. See: Team Fortress 2
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"Less Greedy"

I believe he is working on a currency at the moment.
Let's just be thankful that we at-least have a good game system up and running....Not having character item or a currency wont hurt us.
If you want to mess around with Character Items go to CubeBomb.

We have a game, they have characterstuff.
Are all of you oblivious to everything that follows the first sentence?
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1. This goes in the community
2. Just because you dont like it doesnt mean you should rant about it here.

[Image: chaosthegreat.png]
Ming, just be patient. Jacob is working on fixing up the bugs in the game.
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This is about the game so it belongs here. I am not being impatient, it's just that every time someone mentions a currency, people automatically deny hats being a part of the skins.

I don't really care for a currency, I am just saying hats aren't bad...if anything, I am impatient for an undo button. :>
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