If you became...
If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy?

I would buy a huge house with an expensive car.
I would give a large portion to my parents. Some to my siblings and save the rest and try to invest in stocks :/
[Image: yesssssss_zpsc49d4672.png]
Buy a Alienware laptop,iPhone,iPad,Fully Paid House,and a this one car my mom really wants,give some to my mom,dad,and brother,and then put the rest in the bank ;D
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I would invest.
You have to waste money to make money.
Depends if I'd finished my schooling.

If not, I would save some for college, then for a generally modest house after, save some more for an emergency fund, and then invest. Oh and maybe a car.
Hmm... Not tell anyone but mah Parents, Invest, and buy a T-Bone steak and a speshaileh made dog basket with a picture of a manatee on! <3
(07-23-2011, 07:55 PM)TheFlame Wrote: Buy a Alienware laptop

Not to be a poo head. But those laptops are horrible and are a waste of money Confusedulk: The truth hurts. They're cool but they fail.
[Image: yesssssss_zpsc49d4672.png]

Buy a submarine
[Image: evil-dead-deer.gif]
Hmmm....they make them look fricking awesome but I guess not?
[Image: image?id=2155]
(07-24-2011, 03:28 AM)TheFlame Wrote: @simon
Hmmm....they make them look fricking awesome but I guess not?

They're just so expensive. I hear they crash easily too(laptops) also battery hogger)...

Thing is you can make a custom one that usually is 2x cheaper and works as well or even BETTER. Flashy lights are cool but showing off a computer is kinda eeeeehhhhhhhh :thumbdown:

Im sorry im being a computer g33k but honestly most people make custom gaming computers rather then buying an AlienWare.

Sorry it's a thing I have when people want AlienWare products. They suck now since they went cheap. Used to be good but the way they make them now...
[Image: yesssssss_zpsc49d4672.png]

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