Skin Template problem.
When making your skins, everything may seem fine around the leg area, but when uploaded, the legs are distorted, leaving any details put in left out and the remainder of your awesome graphic work out of place and essentially ruined. It is ,to me, impossible to compromise for this problem and I am requesting that it be fixed. Thank you.
Shiggity Shiggity Shwa
[Image: Animated.gif?t=1314294800]
Same with my right leg on my character. The non-bandage one, I had to make it smaller than the other one so beveling will take effect.
Thanks for posting this!
Everyone learns from mistakes. Smile
Bump. :/
Shiggity Shiggity Shwa
[Image: Animated.gif?t=1314294800]
IKD why dont ask me mister >D
My tutaoril to thumbnail your place on buildism Big Grin
[Image: log-2.png]
It's because the leg get's offset do that there is a single line in the middle.
The other problem is that the legs don't match for the onsite look.

When you line up the torso with the legs in the template, the leg is cut off.
[Image: siggggg.gif?t=1312782506]

[Image: signature.png?t=1312081740]
Yes, the skin I'm using right now, the right leg was a bit too left. I had to update the skin 3 times before I could make it public.

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