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Alright here is what annoys me most.
One think that is really niggling me about the moderators right now.
They are locking all threads that are opinions because they might "lead to a flame war". There really isn't any reason to lock the thread if it isn't flaming anyone. If the thread goes off topic and the poster of it had nothing to do with it than instead of locking the entire thread just delete all the off topic replies and give the users that went off topic a warning.

Another thing that annoys me.
Different moderators will give different punishments for the same rule.
Let's say that Moderator bob gives a user a warning for posting in the wrong section (which is the appropriate punishment for that) but moderator jack catches another person posting in the wrong forum, jack gives him a 1 day ban and moves the thread.
That has happened before and it is really unfair.

Another few things that bother me.
When a moderator will lock a joke thread because they don't understand the joke or they don't think it's funny.

When a moderator will lock a thread for no discussion value because they can't think of a good reply or it has no replies.

When a moderator tells you to PM them because of a thread you post about it than ignore your message.

When moderators create their own rules and doesn't tell anyone about it.

How vague the current rules are.

Now I could go on with this longer but I will stop here.
[Image: AmZJnA9.png]

What niggles me is how some people seem to not care about the situation in part because an opinion can be used against you.
[Image: siggggg.gif?t=1312782506]

[Image: signature.png?t=1312081740]
Glome, for the last time, if you see a mod doing something you don't like then PM me about it! Complaining like this is not going to get anything done!

Here is what I said in your other thread where you complained about mods locking flamebait threads.

Quote:That's not stupid, that's a good moderation technique that is used on many forums.

Like [the 12 Rules of Buildism thread], for example. The first post is filled with half-truths, hyperbole, and lies, and it appears crafted to provoke someone into a rant. I don't care if you did it on purpose or not, this is not allowed.

The other things you posted are not OK, but I haven't seen any of them happening here.

I read all PMs, so if you see any of this happening then PM me and I'll deal with it if it really is a problem.
This whole post is nothing but things that break the rules. If something is about to cause flame wars, or has the potential to start one, then why leave it open for it to start one? It has the intent of completely throwing the forums out of hand.
Another thing that niggles me, if people got mad about the same thing that last time [When Ashely said mods would be demoted] why do it a second time and not expect people to be mad and post stuff like this?

It's mind boggling how the communities actions weren't calculated into the decision.
[Image: siggggg.gif?t=1312782506]

[Image: signature.png?t=1312081740]
Like I posted in another thread somewhere I will PM you all my complaints.
[Image: AmZJnA9.png]

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