Badge: Skin Creator & Skin Artisan
Skin Creator badge: Get 100 skin takes overall.
Skin Artisan: Get 1000 skin takes overall.
Building Master - Get 1,000 Place Visits
If you count the skin uses before the 'skin use count' feature, then I am so close to 'Skin creator'.

Also, I think maybe 100 and 1000 are too high.
And maybe you should consider it being the amount of skins you have already made?

Overall, I think the idea of having skin creation badges is a good one, as it may encourage others to make skins with more effort or make skins at all.

Shiggity Shiggity Shwa
[Image: Animated.gif?t=1314294800]
well, as the community becomes more active, the badges should be higher so they are harder to get.

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