Scene 2 of my play for Drama
(Bow is found injured on a crashed aeroplane, with a 'minigun')
Grabski(Off-stage): Bow! Are you still alive!? Come on Bow!
Bow(Weak): Uggghhh... Yes sir...
(Bow gets up weakly 'unarmed')
Grabski: Dodge has just killed off most of the others, including Grabinski and Brown, but there is no time for this to matter. Farhan is trying to kill us, Dodge and Fulani at the same time
Bow: I see, so what do you want me to do?
Grabski: Just get to the plane, let the others kill eachother off and hurry the hell up!
Bow: Affirmative.
(Bow is currently unarmed)
(Gun fire sound effect for 5 minutes while Bow is running or limping around the stage)
Grabski: Bow! Where the hell are you! We are wasting ammo here, move your butt and get here!
Bow: ...I'm...Trying...
(Bow is gradually getting weaker and eventually falls after 15 seconds)
(Farhan enters stage carrying 'rifle')
Farhan: Perfect...
(Farhan drags Bow around the stage 5 times occasionally 'shooting')
(Farhan aims 'gun' at Bow's head)
Farhan: Now, this is personal...
(Grabski charges onto stage, knocking Farhan down)
Grabski: Bow! Get up, run!
(Grabski and Farhan 'fight' while Bow runs off-stage)
(After 2 minutes of free-style fighting, Grabski picks up Farhan by the blazer and 'throws' him)
Farhan: Worthless traitor!
(Farhan grabs a 'gun' from his pocket and aims it at Grabski head, after closely kicking Grabski's hands)
Farhan: Get down...
(Bow limps over to Farhan and pushes him, making Farhan 'shoot' Grabski's stomach)
Grabski: Ugggghhhhhh.......
(Farhan stomps on Bow's face and continues over to Grabski)
Dodge(off-stage): These fools, men, carpet bomb, EVERYWHERE.
(Farhan is about to finish Bow and Grabski off)
(Sound effect of bombing comes in)
(Farhan falls to the ground and Bow stands back up)
Bow: Now it is time to retrn favours.
(Bow 'shoots' Farhan in the head)
(Bow picks up Grabski and pulls him over 3 laps)
Grabski: There's the car...
(Bow and Grabski make a few more rounds and get in the 'car')
Grabski: Bow, you take the gun, I have the wheel!
(Grabski 'drives' while Bow 'shoots')
(They drive for 1 minute)
(Missile sound effect, then they are both thrown across the stage)
Un-named: (Comes on stage)My friends! Come on! Get up!
(Un-named tries to revive Bow and Grabski using CPR)
Un-named: Come on! Don't die on me now!
(Un-named retries)
Un-named: My friends! Get up!
(Un-named punches their chests)
(SCENE ENDS, All actos get up and go off stage)
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